Motivational Books
- It's Your Life, Live BIG
- Motivational Quotes for Living BIG
By Josh Hinds
By Josh Hinds
Motivational Quotes
is like standing in the surf, you either move forward or are pushed
back, but you can never stand still." -- Author Unknown, submitted by
Marilyn Lamont
is an unfair game where most don't play by the rules. But the best
players with the best results do. -- Anthony Hordern, Sydney Australia
a fool judges success by the size of a wallet" -- Adrian Miles
is nothing in life that cannot be done. All you have to do is reach
far beyond your wildest dreams. And never let go. -- Birgitte Estelle Rasine, copyright 2000
"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them" -- Brandi B.
enough we all live inside a body that is capable of improvement everyday...
What are you waiting for?" -- Brock Hierlmeier
to the moon, and if you miss, you will always be surrounded by stars."
(shared by Felix Mercado)
is just weakness leaving your body." -- Keri Schrimpf
we fill our hours with regrets of yesterday and with worries of
tomorrow, we have not today in which to be thankful." -- author unknown
(shared by Joanne)
"Don't wait for your ship to com in swim out to it..." -- author unknown
(shared by Joanne)
"The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." -- G.K. Chesterton
"Never say, 'God look how big my problems are.' Say, 'Problems, look how
big my God is.'" -- Unknown
"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional" -- Unknown (Shared by Julia)

Why Perfect Timing is a Myth: Tips for Staying
Inspired and Motivated Day in and Day out!
By Josh Hinds
There are three types of people in the world. 1. Those who see a problem.
2. Those who are the problem. 3. and those who solve the problem.
The first two are a dime dozen. What you have to ascertain is this,
which one are you. (Shared by Paul Stanley)
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies" -- Aristotle
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year
of conversation" -- Plato
cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight
of the shore." - Unknown (sent by Jacy)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but
a habit." -- Aristotle
"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!" -- Eckhart Tolle (spiritual teacher and writer)
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