By Chip Lowell
Are you setting goals that others want you to achieve or are you setting
them just for you? Many times, what we think we want out of life is
really what our Mom or Dad told us we should want. Sometimes, it's
looking around at our friends, seeing what they have, and thinking
that's what we should want, too.
When you set a real goal for yourself, make sure the reasons you write
down as to why you want to achieve it is powerful enough to make you
take action consistently towards it. We have lots and lots of people
sign up for our online goal setting software that cancel (yes, they
even cancel the free membership) because they feel overwhelmed by
action item email. Action Items that users themselves set up to remind
them to take action toward a goal. If you look at your to-do list
You might want to revisit your overall goals. If the actual taking action
is too stressful, you may not really want to achieve a particular
goal or two. Drop anything that seems stressful for now. Set goals
that make you feel good! And taking action towards them makes you
feel powerful! Then, the goal is really one of your dreams -- and
not someone else's.
Have a great Day!
Chip Lowell
By Chip Lowell, creator of MyMotivator helps you achieve your goals with powerful and easy web based Goal Setting software -- Sign up and start taking action today!
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Goal Setting And Motivation
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