What Happens If You Don't Achieve Your Goal?
By Chip Lowell
When thinking about their goals, most folks will ask themselves "Why do I want this to happen?" That's a great question! In fact in our online goal setting software, you have to answer this question during the Wizard process.
BUT, there is another question to ask at the same time: "What will happen if I DON'T achieve this goal by the date I want?" or "How will I feel if my accomplishment date arrives, and I HAVEN'T attained my goal?"
Imagine yourself in the future. Your accomplishment date has come and gone. You haven't achieved your goal. What do you look like, how do you feel, what's going on around you?
Now imagine yourself in the future. Your accomplishment date has arrived. YOU HAVE DONE IT! You reached your goal. Now, what do you look like? How do you feel? What's going on around you?
Pretty powerful, isn't it? You bet! Review your goals today. If you're using our online system, look at your GoalTree. Ask yourself the above questions as you do so. Then add a note or two about your thoughts to your reasons for achieving each goal. It'll be worth the time, I promise!
Have a great day!
Chip Lowell
By Chip Lowell, creator of MyMotivator helps you achieve your goals with powerful and easy web based Goal Setting software -- Sign up and start taking action today!
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Goal Setting And Motivation
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