Divide and Conquer Your Way To Success!
by Gary Ryan Blair
When Michael Jordan retired from the NBA in 1999, he did so with an astonishing average of 31.5 points per game - an NBA record. In addition to being an incredible testament to Jordan's skill as a basketball superstar, the record is a great indicator of his mental drive and determination. No matter who the opponent was, Jordan got his 32 points every night for 13 years.
If you break it down and examine how Jordan achieved this incredible feat you have to embrace the philosophy of Divide and Conquer.
High achievers develop the ability to break their goals into manageable bite sized increments. The best way to eat an elephant is to one bite at a time and the best way to approach goal setting is with the same philosophy.
Large goals and overwhelming tasks are only intimidating when you look at them in totality. The first step toward managing what seems unmanageable is to break each task into smaller increments, in other words divide the goal into morsels and conquer each task one at a time. By focusing on the smaller objectives instead of the large whole, your tasks seem easier and your anxiety and blood pressure are certainly lowered.
One of life's most important lessons is that a large goal consists of a bunch of smaller ones. Every big goal or project can be reduced to a series of small jobs and activities. This attitude and philosophical approach will help you to maximize your results in dramatic fashion.
You can do the same thing with time. Every day has 1,440 minutes. Assuming you need 8 hours or 480 minutes of sleep, you're left with 960 minutes in which to achieve the goals you set for yourself in a given day. Divide and conquer your day into manageable bites of between 15 and 30 minutes. Divide a task that's likely to take an hour as consuming four 15-minute time increments and you will conquer your tasks in an orderly and results oriented manner.
So how did Michael Jordan divide and conquer his way to success, the answer is amazingly simple; he averaged 8 points per quarter (divide) and multiplied (conquered) his was into the record books.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Written by Gary Ryan Blair - The GoalsGuy is your online goal setting and personal leadership coach. Check-out My Personal Strategic Plan and learn how to achieve more in the next year than most people do in a lifetime. See why best selling author Brian Tracy said, "This is the most remarkable, simple, and practical guide for ANYONE who wants to create the ideal life!" Click Here!
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