It’s true — there’s no rule that says we have to get things right on our first try. Boy am I glad this is the case. In fact I think you’d be hard pressed to find many people that “got it right” the first few times they attempted to go after their goals and dreams.
What we undoubtedly do find as we search through the countless stories of those that have had the courage to live their dreams is that they had an over abundance of ambition and sheer persistence. They held onto the idea of what they wanted and said, “by golly I am not going to give up till I reach it!”. I hope you don’t mind me putting that little ‘Leave it to Beaver’ spin on that, but I wanted to make a point 🙂
You see, in more cases than not we find illustration after illustration of people that worked their basic idea. Rather than letting not reaching the goal beat them down they used it as a lesson to learn from. It is through these life lessons that they acquired the skills necessary to eventually attain what they wanted to achieve. Follow your plan!
Don’t be afraid of the bumps that you might meet along the way. Rather, try your best to accept that they are part of the journey. My friend you deserve no less!
It’s your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds
* Author of Why Perfect Timing is a Myth: Tips for Staying Inspired and Motivated Day in and Day out!, It’s Your Life, Live BIG, and Motivational Quotes for Living BIG