Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Tuesday, April 18, 2000  

A winner is neither made nor finished in one try - This holds true except under one circumstance. That is as long as we don't give up or never try.

I am reminded of situation after situation where persistence has won out. My friend, there is no rule that says we have to already be an expert before moving towards our dreams. Life will show us the way towards achievement if we only allow ourselves to remain focussed on that which we want to see manifest in our lives.

Believe in the power of your dreams even if no one else does because when you make them a reality it won't matter who doubted you…Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Thursday, April 06, 2000  

Visualization as a tool for achieving intended goals - Visualization is a tool that can be applied to just about anyone's intended goals. Why does it work so well. Now that my friend is the $64,000.00 question! I think more than anything it allows us to more clearly see that which we want to achieve. For example, you tell me you'd like a new car. By itself this doesn't sound to exciting does it? Well guess what, It's likely not exciting enough to make your subconscious do the things it needs to do to move you towards the goal either...

Instead lets try adding a little visualization to the statement instead. See yourself shopping for that new car...It's red, or perhaps black. It's the perfect size to take your children to little league or maybe spend a night out with friends. We're driving around town in our new vehicle and having a great time. You see my friend, the key is that with the right amount of visualization applied we allow our minds to see objects as real things that are indeed reachable.

The best part is visualization can be applied to many areas and be just as effective. You say you have a meeting with the boss? Try running through the meeting in your mind. Imagine it going extremely well. Above all else make it as real as possible in your mind. Applying visualization techniques can help to subconsciously program ourselves for achievement...Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, April 03, 2000  

Recently I watched a show that really struck a nerve with me. It wasn't about all that's wrong with society, it was about a topic that is very dear to my heart and something that grabbed every bit of attention I could spare. The show was featuring a local school in Akron, Alabama that was instituting a new program that taught high school kids the power that entrepreneurship can play in creating a worthwhile future. Akron seems a far cry from such places as Silicon Valley where one might expect such an idea to be alive and well. The area has little local business of it's own.

I was absolutely enthralled as I watched the show. Here was a town that was arming it's future generations with necessary life skills that would allow them to do what it takes to empower their own lives. Now that my friend is exciting! As I watched the show I was reminded of a very similar story that hit very close to home where such skills had come into play.

My father's dad passed away while my father was quite young so I only know of him through what is passed on in family stories. I do know that he was an entrepreneur in every since of the word. Our family at the time owned a furniture manufacturing company. I also have come to realize that he placed a strong importance in his kids learning the value of entrepeneurism.

My father while very young was encouraged to start a little business of his own. If you wanted an allowance you earned it the old fashioned way was his fathers motto. While it wasn't anything extravagant it set in motion the skills that later allowed him to develop into one of the top insurance salesmen in the country for Nationwide insurance (while in his early 20's).

What was the business you ask? Pot holders! See I warned you it wasn't The story goes my father at under 10 years old would go door to door selling his homemade pot holders. You see, kids are natural sales people. Think about the last time you were able to turn down a girl scout who knocked on your door. The problem is that we don't encourage our children to explore these talents. It's almost as if society says it's not the right thing to do.

Ironically what happens is the child becomes an adult and suddenly they are put into a world that relies on operating effectively in the very environment that we've spent their childhood trying to change. We're born with this talent and encouraging your child to pursue little ventures of their own can give them an incredible leg up as they move towards their own definition of personal success. No matter what that might be.

Today a lemonade stand, tomorrow a fortune 500 company! Encourage your children to dream big and I am most certain they will fill in the pieces...Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds