Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Friday, May 26, 2000  

Lift others - I truly believe that our personal success can be made easier if and when we adopt the attitude of being an encourager. It's important to note that this is the case no matter what background we come from. No matter what aspect we're trying to apply it to in our lives it still works. Life has an awesome unwritten rule, 'when we encourage others we in turn build ourselves up'.

I've met people (as I'm sure you have) that subscribe to the idea that if they keep others down they make their own place more secure. How wrong this is! I personally believe that if we really want to be more secure in our place the easiest way to achieve this is by lifting others. The same rule applies if you're dealing with your job, school or parenting! The stronger the group you develop the better off we all are (the more prepared we all are for the future).

My friend, if you've been blessed with personal success then you have the civic duty to show and encourage others to do the same. The good news is that we simply can not imagine how many rewards will come our way as we adopt the role of "encourager" in our own lives. I am not simply talking about monetary rewards here. Don't get me wrong, the money is nice, but it comes and goes in our lives.

The thing we can't place a value on is the awesome feeling we will get every time someone tells us that they appreciate our taking the time to help them to reach their dreams! These are the things that you simply can not put a value on. Being viewed in the light of an "encourager" is such a rewarding thing (in so many ways). Begin now so that you may see exactly what I mean...Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds