Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Tuesday, August 29, 2000  

Leave your mark - I once heard the saying "In a hundred years no one will remember me anyway". Admittedly at the time I didn't give much thought to it, until something hit closer to home...

It turns out that several years ago I had a very personal lesson in the fact that we very well do leave a legacy that is much greater than ourselves after we are gone. I learned this lesson at the most unlikely of places, at my father's funeral. A most unlikely place indeed, but after all life has a way of revealing things to us in the strangest of places.

As I looked around in my time of grief I couldn't help but notice large number of people that had come to celebrate my dad's life. When I look back on it I realize that the reason was because of the way he lived his life. You see my father lived for his family, friends, and his fellow man. Each sacrifice that he made in his life was like adding one brick to his "legacy". He loved to build people up and see others find as much success as he did for himself.

You see my friend, each of us has within us the capability of leaving our own personal mark on the world. The choice however is ultimately up to us as to what mark we leave. Be it a positive one or not.

I hope that you'll try as I do to strive each day to make it a bit better for future generations. Encourage those around you, for we will never know just how far they might go as a result. Look for ways to lend a helping hand to another... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, August 28, 2000  

Take time to recoup! - When was the last time you gave yourself some time to just "veg out"?. You know, just relax and think about the things that are going on in your life. If the answer was just the other day, then good for you! If it was never, then start taking the time! For one thing it's good for our well-being! My friend we're not machines. We're not programmed to move day in and day out towards tasks without taking a bit of time to relax...

The fact is if we don't give ourselves ample down time we run the very real risk of burnout! Trust me on this, burnout is no fun! So here are a few tips that should help keep you on the track towards reaching your goals :-)

* Take short vacations - There's no rule that say's a vacation has to be an expensive trip to the beach or some other exotic location. Even if it is a simple trip to a local park it still qualifies! The idea is that we let our minds relax. We can hardly help but come back refreshed :-)
* Go for a walk - For one thing it's good for you :-) It can also help clear your mind a bit. After taking my walks I come back with fresh ideas. Ready to take on the task at hand.

By implementing a few simple strategies we can easily reduce our risk of burnout... Your friend, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Friday, August 11, 2000  

There's a wonderful saying that goes "Believe in the power of your dreams". The reason I am partial to this quote is that life's taught me that in the beginning of all ideas very few people are going to be there to get behind us! Therefore we have to be sure to seek positive Council.

It's important to note that those around us aren't trying to be cruel. More often it's a case where they simply can't fathom anyone achieving such a task. Much less someone they know. In other words to admit that those close to them are willing to move towards a goal that they can't get their imagination around would be internal defeat. So in order to combat their feelings they move into a kind of natural state of denial, and doubt begins to cloud the advice they are giving you.

Therefore we have to keep in mind that in cases like these it's not personal! By the same token it is imperative that we're careful about who we go to for advice. Look for those that in the past were willing to move out of their comfort zone and go for their goals.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we should only seek the advice of those with "rose colored" glasses. Just be careful to make sure their not counting you out on your idea simply because they can't fathom it themselves... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds