Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Tuesday, February 06, 2001  

Make a commitment to yourself that today you'll give just a little bit more on whatever you set out to do. This is something that I find myself repeating over and over. Sometimes it is easy for us to look back and think, "I am not achieving quite what I'd like"...

This is exactly where having a paper trail in place to prove ourselves wrong is so very important. You do keep a daily journal don't you? If not then I urge you to get started now! The old adage is very true, if we don't know where we've been how can we know where we're going? ... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Thursday, February 01, 2001  

Keep a personal success library - I am curious how many of you are building a personal library I am not talking about books of fantasy or fiction here either. I am talking about the awesome resources that come in the form of self-help or the various biographies of those that have made a difference in so many ways before us...

My friend it is reading about the experiences of those that have ventured out before us that we learn to use the knowledge that these people have to share with us.

When you're building your personal library don't be afraid to use a high lighter to make a quick reference to the things that made an impact on you. Re-read the books every so often. I am continually amazed how each time I review something I find yet another priceless idea that I can implement into my own life.

Commit to a journey of lifelong learning. Commit to continuous growth in your life and you'll reap many a great reward... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds