Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Thursday, August 30, 2001  

Following through on goals - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals. With that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list...

Here are a few techniques that work for me, hopefully you can adapt these to work for you. Add daily, weekly and monthly tasks to your overall goals. Make these tasks achievable yet enough to stretch you at the same time. The objective of achieving our goals is as much as what it makes of us to reach them as it is what we accomplish in reaching them. The main idea is that with each accomplished task, it's taking you closer to your overall goal.

An equally important step is to review your goals at least once a week! It's the old out of mind, out of sight saying. Don't fall victim to it. Keep your goals fresh in your mind. If you can review your goals each day you're all the better.

Like I say all the time, self-improvement is very much a work in progress. Take the ideas you read and adapt them, use what works and discard what doesn't. With that said, I'd love to hear ideas that you incorporate in your life... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Tuesday, August 28, 2001  

Whether or not we realize it each of us has a special gift inside us just waiting to surface!...

We owe developing these gifts not only to ourselves, but those around us as well. The important thing here is not what your gift is as much as that you develop it so that you can share it with those around you and in the process further your own personal life!

Once we have identified our special talents it doesn't matter whether or not we find immediate success in them, what does matter is that we take a step each day towards our intended goal! ... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Friday, August 24, 2001  

Success is so much more than fame and money - At times we all try to attach a monetary value to the definition of success. We look at those around us (or those in the news) and say, "he or she is successful." The problem is if we're basing success simply on the amount of money or fame that a person has attained, we're missing the big picture.

Surely fame and fortune can go along with a person who has reached success in their lives, but we have to remember that it is only a subset of success (not the total package and not required). Wouldn't you agree that someone who doesn't have the million dollar bank account or a star on Hollywood Boulevard can be just as equally successful?

Think about the teacher, parent or mentor who, because of the time they spent with you, changed your life. If you ask me these are the unsung heroes that deserve the label of "success."

Please don't get me wrong here. I totally agree that Hollywood and the business world can be slap full of people we can look to as examples of what we can achieve with enough effort. I also happen to believe that it's worth realizing that you too in your own way are just as successful!... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Tuesday, August 21, 2001  

Don't be afraid to swing the bat - This past weekend I was in Louisville, KY to watch the minor league baseball game in town (yes I am baseball I'd like to take a second and say how nice it was to be in Louisville again, you folks are great! Before I stray to far I'll get back to the point of today's commentary :-)

While I was watching the game an interesting idea hit me... That is that our achievements in life are a lot like that of the home run hitter. How on earth do they compare you ask?

While the homerun hitter is a important part of any baseball team, what is not as well known is that in most cases, people that hit a lot of home runs tend to strike out more often. By comparison our own lives are like that, just before the point that we pull off some pretty amazing achievements we tend to get our fair share of "strikes" thrown our way. I tend to think of it as life's way of seeing just how far we're willing to go to make our dreams a reality.

I hope you'll choose to always reach for your dreams, even when it feels like you've had enough... Step back up to the plate. And swing for the fences! ... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Thursday, August 16, 2001  

Be an encourager - One of life's greatest rewards comes when we take the time to be viewed as an encourager of others...

Be warned, it's not for the faint of heart. In order for you to be successful and reap the many rewards that life has to offer you as a result of being viewed in this light you must be genuine in your efforts. Easier said than done in some cases.

Often it means spending time discussing things with people that might appear on the surface to be eating up your valuable time. Trust me this is not the case! My friend almost every opportunity I can recall has come as a result of my willingness to help others reach their intended dreams and goals. Best of all is the personal satisfaction I've been able to feel as I watched those around me grow in their lives.

Life is not about hoarding away your past successes. It's about sharing them and showing others that they're more than qualified to far outpace your achievements. The many things that will manifest in your life as a result are simply beyond the scope of what I could describe in this list. Trust me on this. Encourage others and watch success manifest in your own life...Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, August 13, 2001  

Explore your talents - Upon first glance I agree this might sound like a no-brainer. However, really think about this for a second. Ask yourself if what you're doing right now is really inline with the values that you find important...

Chances are if they aren't you might not be living up to the potential that might lay ahead of you in another area.

Now I am certainly not suggesting that you walk into your employers office and announce that you're quitting your job to pursue other ventures. No, rather I suggest having a plan of sorts in place (and perhaps some monetary reserves to keep you going through the lean times). Perhaps a better idea would be to start small, find time on the side to explore the things that interest you. Work towards taking action on them, just work day by day.

Many an idea has come to reality by taking such tiny steps towards its achievement. Ask yourself why it should be so different for you... And then get started making it happen!... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Thursday, August 09, 2001  

Take charge and learn a new skill - If there's one thing I'd recommend it would be to embark on a never ending journey of learning new skills and expanding your knowledge base! While many things change, there always seems to be a solid place for the person with multiple skills...

Another important thing to remember is that where you are now doesn't have to be where you are in a month, a year or 5 years from now. Amazing as it seems we can set out on a whole different journey by simply adopting the attitude of constant learning!

Life is filled with people who have changed their course. Therefore there's no reason why you can't do the same thing if this is what you wish to do. Do yourself a favor and adopt an attitude that you'll set out to learn new skills... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, August 06, 2001  

Beware of the effect negative people can have on you - Whether or not we care to admit it, associating with negative thinkers can literally tear us down over time. Association is a very powerful thing. Something definitely not to be taken lightly. I would venture to say that 9 times out of 10 your more likely to move forward on ideas if you associate with people that are also achievers. By the same token, if we surround ourselves with people who constantly doubt our abilities then we begin to take on the belief that we can't accomplish what we set out to.

I am certainly not saying that we remove all friendships with people who don't see everything as totally positive. I don't think that kind of thinking is very realistic. Rather I am simply suggesting that we remain aware of the fact that negative thinking leads towards the immediate decline in our reaching our goals. Whenever given the choice, spend time with those that see the glass as half full, rather then half empty... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Friday, August 03, 2001  

The quote "Great opportunities to help others seldom comes, but small ones surround us every day." by Sally Koch is not only a very powerful one, but deserves a bit of pondering if you ask me. She hits the nail right on the head when she talks about tiny opportunities.

My friend, these chances come in so many forms. It may be that there's a new person in the office that is having trouble learning the ropes. Perhaps it's a new student in one of your classes that needs a friend. Maybe it's your parents that can't get around as well as they used to and need you to help them. You see these small (yet hugely important) opportunities are all around us. We need only open our eyes to see how we can be of service.

When we act in service of others incredible things begin to happen for us in our own lives. Call this the law of giving. It is one of life's greatest mysteries that when we give freely we get much more in return. Here's hoping you'll look for ways to put this into practice in your own life... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Wednesday, August 01, 2001  

Don't give up on finding that job - Recently my younger sister has been on the job search. She just graduated from college and is ready to gain employment. Just as many of you are I am sure. I see the frustration she is going through as she looks for employment. While it's frustrating, I can't help, but feel confident that she will find the perfect job...

The reason I feel this way is that I saw first hand several years ago as my other sister went through the grueling process of job interview after job interview... The end result? My sister now lives in the very town she set to live in, found employment doing what she enjoys and doesn't give a second thought to how troubling it once was to find that elusive job of hers.

I certainly don't want to imply that finding employment can't be a very frustrating thing. It certainly can be, but we must absolutely remember that just beyond the point of giving up often lies our very success. It's just one of life's great mysteries.

Achievement often goes to those that muster up the courage to keep moving forward. I hope that you will decide to go on as many job interviews as it takes. To talk to as many people as you can, and in the end I am certain you too will wind up with your perfect employment... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds