Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Friday, October 26, 2001  

Why are we afraid to chase our dreams... Why does one person find it difficult to set out and achieve that which they desire, while others can some how set out, without so much a care in the world. What makes some people achievers, while others remain simply dreamers.

Is it the difference in their internal makeup? Is it in the way they were raised? The environment they grew up in? When one studies the lives of "achievers" one thing becomes evident. What is it that tends to shine through in case after case?

In my opinion the most evident factor is that there simply isn't a set pattern. These "super achievers", if you will, come from all walks of life. These folks emerge from all social classes. Varying degrees of socio-economic backgrounds. Some from affluent families, while others emerge from economically depressed areas, and all corners of the earth.

Some of these people are college educated, others are schooled through lessons that life has taught them; the school of hard knocks. Many from a combination of both. However; all understand that knowledge in any form, is a constant thing to be acquired. Skills are constantly upgraded.

While each person has come face to face with giving up, they opted to befriended perseverance, and used it to their advantage. Somehow they've found a way to overcome the point at which one wants to give up, trudged ahead and reached a point of achievement.

Yet at this point most often they tend to move onto other areas of achievement. Not accepting the status quo. Choosing to move forward towards new goals, and things that stand in their path. Though they may come from vastly differing backgrounds, each has found within themselves their ability to turn dreams into reality.

When you read this it is my hope that you take from this the knowledge that you, are just as they are. You are in fact an achiever. Just like these people you will have adversity. You may have more then your fair share of shortcomings. You may experience what seems to be at the time an inordinate amount of failure in your life.

Even so, you are still an achiever. You have more greatness in you then you can ever know. I hope that you will choose to use the power of persistence to your benefit, as all those achievers before you have. In doing so I am certain you will accomplish much more than you can imagine you are capable of at this point in your life. Dare to dream, but even more importantly, dare to put action behinds your dreams... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, October 22, 2001  

Take your days one at a time - If you're like me there are times when you feel like you're running 100 miles an hour. We have our eyes so focused on the future that we aren't even aware of the many things that are transpiring all around us.

Please don't misunderstand me here. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having clear set goals, and doing what you feel you have to do to achieve them. What I am suggesting though, is that we have to be able to find some kind of balance if we're going to lead truly enriched lives. You say you don't believe me? Take just a second to think for a minute...

Perhaps you can recall your child's first ball game (or another event if you don't have kids of your own). Were you there to just take in the excitement of it all? Or were you moving so fast towards your goals that you didn't make it? Perhaps it was a friend's party that you couldn't attend because you just didn't want to wait to finish the sales presentation in the morning.

Perhaps it's the phone call to your mother or father that you haven't talked to in a while. Please don't misunderstand me here; I am not trying to make you feel bad. Far from it, I'll be the first to admit that I have done the same thing! (now there's something you don't hear much. Someone admitting their shortcomings... lol).
BR> What we've done in the past is of no consequence! Even if we could we can't take it back, so don't beat yourself up over it. Instead make a conscious effort to make changes. Keep a steady focus on your goals. Just make sure that you keep things into perspective as well.

One of the easiest way's to keep things in focus is to remind ourselves exactly what it is that we're working so hard for... May you notice the many miracles that are happening all around you! ... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Friday, October 19, 2001  

Two of the most important ingredients of success are: 1) Raw, blind ambition and 2) The carefully laid out planning of our goals. Unfortunately, too much of either one can actually keep us from achieving that which we strive for! How is that you ask?

For starters, there's the danger that you'll plan yourself out of taking the necessary action to begin with. While on the other side of the coin, to much ambition can keep us from taking the time to refocus our efforts, thus making sure we're on the right path.

The solution you ask? Each day we need to spend some time finding the secret mix of the ingredients mentioned above. My friend, success is a journey, where the prize almost always goes to the folks who stay in the game the longest. May you be blessed in all your endeavors!... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Thursday, October 11, 2001  

Each day truly ponder the things that have occurred in your life. Personally I find it easy to sometimes focus on the negatives, (hey don't we all at times?) at the same time I realize that to do so is simply counter productive to my reaching the personal goals I have set for myself.

Think about it for a minute, no matter what decisions (right or wrong) we may have made in the past, those are things that are simply out of our control. No matter how much you'd like to take the experience back, it simply isn't going to happen. Furthermore, if you do figure out a way to erase such unpleasureable experiences I want you to be sure and share it with me :-) . The simple fact is that once it's done it's done.

Wait! Take heart, because while it's true that we can undo our past. We can most certainly use those experiences to build on. My friend, this is the kind of experience that money can't buy. What we're talking here, is learning from our experiences! Edison was right on the money when he said, I have not failed... I have simply found another way that doesn't work. History tells us that he certainly learned from his experiences. As a result we have electricity...

With that said, I'd like to encourage you to explore your life experiences. Learn what you can from them, then by all means set out and create something exciting! You've got greatness in you. Perhaps most exciting is that once your following you passion, you simply can't imagine what you're capable of... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Friday, October 05, 2001  

Keep in mind that life is a series of ongoing events. It's not a home run every time you come to bat, nor will it be a major success every single day! Life is a series of events that happens to us, a compilation of some good, some bad and some just plain indifferent.

The key then, I believe lies in our ability to not allow the less than perfect days to over shadow the fact that there are some wonderful events that do occur in everyone of our lives! So the next time you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, take a deep breath -- then refocus in on the positives in your daily life. You'll gain strength from them... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Wednesday, October 03, 2001  

A hobby as a release - If you haven't done so already I highly recommend looking for something you enjoy doing. Then start spending a little time each week working on it. I'd like to point out that it doesn't have to necessarily be a monumental undertaking. Nor does it have to be something you plan to make a living doing (Although many a person has found that it leads to this).

Perhaps it is something like starting a little part time business. Maybe it's deciding to take up wood working. The point is that you find something you can find pure enjoyment in. You say you don't have the extra time? Hey, who does? The key here my friend is that you've got to make time for such activities.

So much as we'd like more, we're only given 24 hours a day. Ultimately it will be up to you to give yourself this quality time. I do hope that you'll choose to do so. You deserve the benefit of relaxation that having such a hobby can give you.

I truly believe that when we find happiness and enjoyment in something, we in turn find a moment of peace within ourselves. Needed peace from the hectic times in our everyday lives. Keeping yourself working on something you enjoy also gives your subconscious mind the time to work through the problems that might be occurring in your life. In a nutshell it's a chance to become refreshed... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, October 01, 2001  

Tell yourself at this very moment that you are an incredible person! Say out load, "I am a gift to this world". You don't believe me? I challenge you to look around you today, look at the many positive things that have happened in your life! Look beyond your shortcomings, these are the easy things to notice! Instead focus on your family, friends, job, etc. Many of them are unique to you! Accept the fact that no one else is exactly as you are! Explore this, it's amazing!

Upon looking at your life I hope you will further ponder the ideas you have or have had, the simple fact is that if you can dream them, then it is equally likely to be within your power to achieve these things! I hope that you will do as I do and at least spend a portion of each day trying to be the change you want to see in your life!... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds