Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Wednesday, December 19, 2001  

Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals. With that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list...

Here are a few techniques that work for me, hopefully you can adapt these to work for you. Add daily, weekly and monthly tasks to your overall goals. Make these tasks achievable yet enough to stretch you at the same time. The objective of achieving our goals is as much as what it makes of us to reach them, as it is what we actually get in reaching them. The main idea is that with each accomplished task, it's taking you closer to your overall dream.

Equally important is to take evaluation of your progress along the way. Review your goals at least once a week, or at least once a month! It is the old out of mind, out of sight saying. Don't fall victim to it. Keep your goals fresh in your mind. If you can review your goals each day you're that much better off. It really is about keeping our objectives fresh in our minds... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Tuesday, December 11, 2001  

Find something you feel passionately about - Ok, I'll readily admit that on the surface this seems like a no-brainer. Yet it never ceases to amaze me by how many people I talk with that feel as though they're just going through the motions with regards to the events in their lives (both business and personal).

My Friend, you may be at a point where you personally feel as though things are a little stagnant. I can sympathize with you. I know in the past I have certainly felt this way myself. Getting up each morning going to a job that I didn't particularly enjoy. Doing things that I didn't really find all that exhilarating.

Then it dawned on me, if I was going to make a change I simply had to stop talking about it and at least take small active steps towards doing it. So rather than quit doing the things that I didn't enjoy I simply started dedicating a little bit of time to the things that did inspire me. Things I could get excited about! As time passed I realized that more and more of my time was being spent on the things I enjoyed doing in my life.

The truly amazing thing was that suddenly I was no longer counting the hours I put into an project. I loved the new path I was on so much that the long hours of effort it was taking became almost enjoyable. Oh yes, and along the way I did let go of a lot of the things that no longer inspired me.

I do the motivational web site and my two free newsletters full-time now. I have always had a passion for such things, and I do truly believe that our achievement is going to be directly proportionate to our ability to focus on the things that inspire us! These things move us to action in ways that simply can't be explained. I call it one of life's unsolved mysteries.

Each one of us has within us a special plan. Often times it can take a while to realize what that plan might be. Far more often the plan itself is a journey composed of many twists and turns and lots of valuable life lessons along the way.

I find a certain peace in accepting that life is a journey and displaying a willingness to accept and have faith that in the end all will work out. I hope this message finds you well on your way to accepting what life may have thrown your way... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Keep in mind... The articles you see here are available for syndication. If you're interested in having this Motivational & Inspirational Journal or articles by me appear in your magazine, web site, ezine, etc. drop me an e-mail and we can work out the details :-). In your e-mail be sure to let me know a bit about where you'd like my writings to appear.

Not a member of the media, or publisher? :-) Fear not... You can still help, if you'd like to see my writing appear in your favorite magazines, newspapers, web sites, etc... Simply contact the publisher and let them know you'd like to see my articles there :-) Be sure to invite them to sample this by sending them to: ... Thanks for your ongoing support... Truly, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Tuesday, December 04, 2001  

So many dreams are waiting to be realized - Maybe it's a business you've wanted to start, perhaps it's something as simple as growing a home garden, even still maybe it's a trip to another country you've always dreamed of visiting. Whatever it is you owe it to yourself to do what you have to make it a reality!

I'll readily admit that it's not always going to be an easy road to hoe. Anything worth doing in life rarely is. Pursuing your dream might require you doing without a few things (especially if the goal requires money to do it). It might require taking time away from other things. However, rest assured that when you commit to your goal and achieve it, the doing without you had to go through is well worth it.

What kind of a commentary would this be if I simply said go for your dreams and left it at that without even offering a tip to achieve the dream? Not a very good one for sure. So here's what I do when I want to see a goal manifest itself in my life. First I write down what I want. I don't just write it down and shuffle it away though.

I post the goal clearly on the night stand that sits right next to my bed. I make a copy of it and stick it on my computer monitor (since I am always at the computer... lol). I find that keeping my 'dream' in plain site allows me to be better focussed.

Keeping what we want fresh in our minds allows us to move quickly towards achieving it. Possibly even more importantly I make a clear mental picture that I can carry around with me. I don't simply say, "I want to go to the beach". That approach doesn't paint the kind of picture that will move us towards our goal. Instead I would say, "I will go to the Gulf Shores, AL on the week of (insert date).

I will be sure to visit my grand parents that live there. I'll enjoy some good seafood at such and such a restaurant". Do you see the difference here? It's all in the way we visualize things. If we want to achieve our goals we simply have to be able to fully see ourselves accomplishing them... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds