Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Saturday, July 27, 2002  

Use Modeling To Turn More Of Your Dreams Into Reality
by Josh Hinds (c) 2002

Believe it or not we don't have to set out blindly in pursuit of our goals or dreams. You see, all around us there are shining examples of those who have gone before us. People, that if we're willing to explore their stories offer up huge shortcuts we can put into action as we set out on the road to our endeavors. In spite of all this vast knowledge being available to us for the taking, why is it that so very few of us actually make it a point to use the simple technique of modeling in our lives.

What is modeling? Literally every undertaking you could possibly fathom has been done before, perhaps not exactly like you've envisioned it, but something close enough to it has been attempted. This allows us to take comfort in knowing that no matter how difficult it might be, it's not impossible.

In some cases you will find shining examples of things done right, and in others you will learn undoubtedly hear of decisions gone bad or missed steps that led to lackluster results. Do not make the mistake of discounting either example. Each in its own way can serve as a great teacher as you set out towards your own destination of success.

Just to put another nail in my illustration I would like to give a few more examples of how using modeling can put you at a distinct advantage -- plus, no matter what area of your life, be it personal or professional you can benefit greatly from doing so.

Lets assume you are a student struggling with your grades. Certainly you could opt to continue on the path you are on now... over time learning the techniques that work best for you, or you could actively search out students, graduates, etc. with life experiences similar to yours (or who learn similar to you) and ask them what worked for them. Then model after what they did.

Let us assume you are a new parent. You could choose to learn by mostly trial and error (some do) or, you could literally absorb every magazine geared towards parenting, hit your library and grab all the books and tapes on the topic you can. I'm not trying to say that in the end either of these results will necessarily end up with better or worse long term results. However, I do believe that in doing so you will put yourself on the faster track to where you want to be by simply modeling the lives of those who have gone before you.

The saying "success leaves clues" is right on the money. With that said, modeling simply allows us to keep from having to recreate the wheel in most all of our undertakings. Best of all modeling the lives and achievements of others is not particularly difficult.

It does involve taking the initiative to do a little research, perhaps buy a book or tape, or simply visit your local library. Also, do not forget that all around you there are likely to be real life people that are more then willing to share their experiences with you... Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Wednesday, July 17, 2002  

Each Day Begins A New!
by Josh Hinds (c)

Know that with each day you've got a new slate to work with. No matter what happened yesterday, no matter how bad it may have been, does it have to reach into and negatively affect this one. Remind yourself of this until the point that you know it to be an absolute truth. What is in the past is just that my friend, and no amount of wishing is going to be able to allow you to take it back....

The good news is that from this we can find the courage to move on to new and exciting things in our lives. New ideas and ventures are just around the corner waiting for us to either jump on board or let them pass us by. The choice is ours and the future is ours. Make the choice and above all else to enjoy the journey...Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds :-)

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds