Josh Hinds' Motivational & Inspirational Journal
Josh Hinds - Syndicated columnist - Writer - Author - New Media Publisher :o)

Thursday, September 28, 2006  

A Proud Uncle, Entrepreneurship, and Nickel Bookmarks
By Josh Hinds

Upon checking my voice mail I found the most delightful message... "Josh, I had to call, this is your sister. Your youngest nephew came to me earlier this morning and announced that he'd made some bookmarks and he intended to go out in the neighborhood and sell them. When he told me that I knew that was a story I had to share with you. I guess he has a bit of his Uncle Josh in him eh?"

Aside from the fact that I absolutely ADORE my nephews and niece I took particular pride in hearing this news. Besides the obvious pride I had for my nephew being bright enough to take the initiative to come up with this idea on his own -- I was excited for him because I knew that he'd tapped into something that many, many adults tend to lose sight of overtime.

Sadly, as they get older many people begin to focus on why things won't work, as opposed to cutting through the reasons why they won't and simply jumping on the horse and giving themselves a fair shot at the success they deserve... the sense of achievement that is theirs for the taking.

Hearing the story of my nephew reminded me that we're all born with a sense of fearlessness when it comes to pursuing our dreams. I was excited because I knew that his willingness to get out there and do what he wanted to would result in an achievement that will yield results for years to come.

Today it's homemade bookmarks -- and who knows, tomorrow it may be a business that he starts that ends up going public. Who is to say for sure, but at just 5 years old one thing is for sure... my nephew is getting a good start.

My hope is that you'll take a moment to reconsider the things that you've put on hold. Ideas that you believed you would like to have pursued, but for whatever reason did not. Do they still hold that appeal for you? Right now write those things down. Include a few action steps you can take as quickly as possible to get yourself moving in the right direction. Action in the direction of your desires leads to success, and even the smallest of achievements begins a snowball effect. Keep in mind the saying, success begets success.

Another lesson I'd like you to take from the story of my young nephew is that he didn't overly plan, another thing that we adults sometimes do to much of -- to the point that we end up planning ourselves out of ever taking the action needed to get started. Nope, my little nephew had his idea, he made his bookmarks, and before anyone could tell him any different he headed out the door and got started. By the way, I'm happy to report that at a nickel a bookmark he did pretty well.

To your success, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, September 25, 2006  

You've Got to Be Willing to be Uncomfortable Sometimes
By Josh Hinds

I’ve heard it said before that if you want to be successful you’ve got to learn to be uncomfortable at times. I think there’s a lot of truth in that statement.

Think about it... What’s comfortable about putting yourself out there and asking for a job promotion? What’s comfortable about asking someone to use your company’s product or service? What’s comfortable about reaching out and making contact with someone you don’t really know that well initially? What's comfortable about taking the first step towards learning a new skill?

Not a whole lot is there?

Of course this is not all bad news. For one thing if you’re willing to be uncomfortable just a bit from time to time you’re going to put yourself in a much better position to take advantage of a lot of the opportunities that are all around us -- even if we don't always notice them.

In most cases the reason that most folks don’t achieve greater levels of success is because they either don’t recognize the opportunity in the first place, or they lack the ability to move past their self-imposed comfort zones and do the uncomfortable actions necessary to get on with finding success in their given endeavor.

Keep this in mind - if you always feel comfortable it is likely that you're not giving your success the full chance it deserves. If you are always comfortable, you may be limiting yourself in ways you may not even fully realize.

Action Step:

Develop the mindset to try new things - always be on the lookout for new opportunities and be willing to reach beyond what you think you are capable of and go for it. Even in a worse case scenario where it doesn’t work out, you’ve still gained an invaluable life experience.

It is through trying new things that we grow to the point where we realize that we’ve got every resource we need inside us to live our perfect life.

-- To your success, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink

Monday, September 04, 2006  

Count Your Daily Wins
By Josh Hinds

It has been said that you and I tend to become what we think about most. If we believe this to be true doesn't it stand to reason that we would do well to take an active role as to what we allow to become our most dominant thoughts?

Hopefully you would agree that we would all benefit greatly by choosing to recount the daily achievements we experience. No matter how small or insignificant you may view them at the moment each should be acknowledged -- and framed in our mind as they are -- successes. If we neglect to do so there's a chance that we will end up focusing on the occurrences of our day that don't help to build our own self-esteem.

There's great personal power that comes from celebrating both our larger achievements as well as the small successes that we experience ongoing in our lives.

The reality is that you and I have the choice to allow ourselves to gravitate towards thinking about the negative things we have experienced, or we can choose to take a more pro-active approach where we make the choice to re-live in our mind the positive accomplishments of the day.

It really does get right down to making the choice to see things from a half full versus half empty mentality. Make the choice to see the positives and that’s exactly what you’ll notice more of.

Action exercise:

At the end of each day just before heading to sleep take a moment to write down several successes from the day. Remember that they don't have to be monumental to count as a success. Anything from meeting a new person to calling on a new client and just about anything in between qualifies as a worthy achievement.

After you have written down your daily list -- read over what you've written and each time you do so close your eyes for a moment and try to experience the positive feelings associated with your given accomplishments.

By following this idea we can actually control what we choose to focus in on. While we don't always have complete control over what happens to us, we do have the choice to focus our minds on (and thus give power to) those things that are most likely to get us on a positive path.

My hope is that the ideas shared above help you to better take control of your most dominant thoughts. Always remember that if one person can succeed in a given endeavor then so can you and I.

-- Here's to your success, Josh Hinds

posted by Josh Hinds | Permalink
Motivation and Self-Help Articles
Author, Josh Hinds