Top Personal Development, Motivational, and Self-improvement Resources

Motivation and Personal Success
Josh Hinds - Motivational Author and Entrepreneurial Educator
Attitude Is Everything! from Jeff Keller
Jim Rohn
Bob Burg
Bob Proctor
Brian Tracy
Dr. Robert Schuller
Les Brown
Dr. Leo Buscaglia
John Gray, Ph.D - Author Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Jim Donovan
Denis Waitley
Tony Alessandra
John Boe
Pegine Echevarria
Patricia Fripp
Sharma Leadership International - Robin S. Sharma
Willie Jolley
Rudy Ruettiger
Chris Widener
Harvey Mackay
Jon Gordon - The Energy Addict
Nido Qubein
Omar Periu
Dr. Richard Carlson
Eckhart Tolle
Doug Firebaugh - Zig Ziglar, world renowned author and lecturer offers sales training products, books, video, DVD and audio on success and motivation.
Dale Carnegie Training
Success Resources & Tools:
The Quotations Page
The Land of Quotes
Inspiration Peak
The Academy of Achievement
Words Of Wisdom 4 U! - self improvement and growth
Inspirational Stories
Apple Seeds
provides quotations and short stories from eclectic sources that
promote positive attitudes, and development.
Mind Tools -
A resource area for problem solving
- Motivation & Inspiration techniques that can help you live a happier
The Confidence Center - Harriet Meyerson
Short Poems - Hilarious Motivational Speaker & Corporate Entertainer
Inspirational Quotes 4 U
- A Spark to Inspire Your Life! - The simple joy of sharing wisdom - Inspiring Deeper Meaning and Purpose.
Tom Hopkins - sales trainer & speaker
Eric Lofholm Sales Trainer & speaker
Jay Abraham - marketing consultant, author & speaker provides small business marketing and management consulting services. - a entrepreneurship resource center. - Information on starting and growing a small business
Coach Michael Reed - Career and Business Develoment
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A Motivation Community
Motivational Books
- It's Your Life, Live BIG
- Motivational Quotes for Living BIG
By Josh Hinds
By Josh Hinds