To Play Big You Have To Act Big By Pegine Echevarria

Pegine Echevarria motivational speakerTo play big in life and work you have to act big. I don’t mean that you have to act superior to anyone or believe that you are better than someone else.

When you act that way you are really acting very small and insecure. When you behave in a way of superiority you are letting your ego take over and eventually you will pay the price.

Competing with someone else gives you a false sense of superiority or bigness.

The people who act big believe that within themselves they are gifted with the talent, determination, faith and persistence to be the best they can be.

It is not about competing against someone else, but about pushing to surpass yourself, to be better than you were before.

Acting big is about behaving as though you are the best you can be, without putting limitations on how phenomenal you are.

Acting big means that when you are at work you are performing your best at every task you do, no matter how trivial or important. It means that from the moment you walk into your office you are “on”, you are focused on being the kind of worker you would want working for you.

You answer the phone with genuine interest and know that how you act communicates your awareness of the responsibility that comes with creating a positive and powerful reputation.

Acting big means that when you are interacting with your kids you are being the best dad you can be. You know in your heart and soul you are the dad you wanted for yourself and you strive, in every moment, to be that dad to your kids.

The truth is we only have moments, short, memorable, life changing moments. It also means saying, “I’m sorry” when we mess up. It is how you teach your children forgiveness.

Acting big means that you strive to attain a deep, supportive and fun relationship with your significant other.

You keep your side of the fence clean, meaning that you don’t point out what they are doing wrong, instead you focus on what you can do right.

After 25 years of marriage I can attest that this is a daily, practiced and focused endeavor. It is so easy to fall into the habit of pointing out what others do wrong.

However, acting big means you get into the habit of pointing out what others do right. It is important to take action. My husband is my hero. I choose to treat him that way (or at least I strive to most of the time).

Acting big means knowing where you are going and having the courage to get there. It means finding friends and associates that are also growing, transforming and changing.

Acting big means asking for help from those who have what you strive for and learning from them. Learning from their mistakes and from their strengths.

Be brave, be bold, play big

Decide today to act big!
Pegine Echevarria is a motivational speaker and author — a nationally recognized expert on success, leadership, and team building. Visit her at

-What are some ways you “act big”, or can begin to do so in your life?