Socrates is well known for using questions as a technology and a method of reasoning.
He saw his task as helping people to “give birth” to new insights, since it was his conviction that real understanding must come from within.
Socrates was of the view that everybody can grasp philosophical truths, if they just use their innate reason and sound questioning was his tool of choice.
In that spirit, I present to you a series of questions which will challenge you to think, force you to test assumptions, and help you to initiate change in your life.
Who am I communicating with?
What are we communicating about?
What impact do they have on me and me on them?
What have they got me thinking?
What have they got me saying?
What have they got me doing?
What have they got me reading?
What do they have me becoming?
Are they helping me to achieve my goals?
Am I adding consistent value to their life?
Do they inspire and challenge me to grow?
Am I playing to win or playing not to lose?
Does my behavior inspire others to greatness?
If I passed today, would I be proud of my contributions and legacy?
Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Gary Ryan Blair is President of The GoalsGuy. A visionary and gifted conceptual thinker, Gary is highly regarded as a speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to leading companies throughout the globe. Visit The GoalsGuy!
-Take a moment to answer the questions posed in the article above. What were some of the answers you came up with? Any you would like to share — you can do so in the comments below. Your thoughts and feedback can help others too.