Are You Successful at Playing Your Song?

Dave BreslowWayne Dyer often says “don’t die with your song left inside you.” What does this mean? To me, this means that we are all a success when we share our gift with the world. It also means we all have dreams and even though they may be “stifled” or “buried” within us, they are dreams nevertheless. That dream is our “song” and when we play it we are confident and happy.

I believe we all have a song sitting within us and to be a success you don’t have to be a singer to express it. There is a very popular television show in the United States called, “American Idol” and whether you watch it or not I believe the program offers a very valuable lesson for all us.

The lesson is this: “sing the song that allows you to express your innate talents and your performance becomes effortless”. The contestants that make it to the final 12 are all talented singers but when they choose a song that does not reflect their talents, it affects their chances of winning, and the judges let them know it.

A beautiful voice behind a poor song choice can result in a poor performance. In other words; talent that is not expressed properly will go unfulfilled. What does this have to do with you and your life? I believe we can “sing the songs” that allow us to express our dreams and talents in life when we discover the ones that feel most right for us.

How many times do you over try, over worry and over work yourself? Athletes understand the consequences of this very well. When baseball players, golfers, tennis players, etc., over try, worry or over control outcomes, they don’t perform their best because they are no longer in synch or in a natural rhythm.

We experience the same negative side effect in life as well. When we OVER try we:

– Create too much tension in our mind, body and emotions
– Focus on outcomes rather than the process that gets us there
– Are out of our ideal performance comfort zone
– Are out of rhythm and out of synch
– Under perform

What happens when we “pick the songs” that allow us to succeed and fulfill our talents? The contestants on “Idol” automatically exude a natural confidence, trust and faith in themselves when they choose songs that express their innate talents and so can you. How do you know when you’re “playing the song” that fits you best? Here are some success indicators:

You won’t try to be somebody you’re not. Find what works for you and focus on being great within that. This builds a strong foundation of confidence and trust because you will feel more “in-synch” with yourself. When you try to be someone you’re not you will be out of synch.

You don’t feel the need to be perfect. You will naturally be your best when you operate from your “song” or “niche”. When you work within that, you are naturally successful and your talents express themselves more easily.

You won’t be compelled to OVER try. When you are truly in synch you will not feel the need to over try and force things. You will be extremely confident and have a sense of trust and faith in yourself because you know you are more in “tune”. You begin to express your talents and fulfill them easily without stress and anxiety.

Is there a “song” sitting inside you waiting to come out? Why aren’t you playing it? Take action toward expressing it and have more success in your life!
David Breslow is called, “A Breath of Fresh Air” in the Personal Development Field. Why? His Wired to Win™ program is unlike any other and is highly acclaimed around the world. His clients include Fortune 500 Corporations, Professional Athletes and the Private Sector. He is Author of Wired to Win, Peak Performance Coach and Host of his own radio show and guest on over 150 Radio/TV Stations. Visit him at

-What are some things you will put into practice from the ideas above? Share in the comments below.

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