What is EQ? 10 Ways an Emotional Intelligence Tool will Increase Your Workplace Productivity

When the term Emotional Intelligence first arrived on the public’s radar, it served as the missing link to the answer of a query the professional world had been perplexed over for years. People with average IQs were outperforming those with high IQs 70% of the time. The successful factor setting those with an average IQ apart was that their Emotional Intelligence (known as EQ or EI) was significantly higher. Further research proved that 90% of top performers have high EQ.

Emotional Intelligence is that ‘something’ intangible that we all have. This elusive quality effects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities and make personal decisions to achieve positive results. Despite the significance of EQ, because it is so indescribable it is very difficult to know how much you have and what to do if lacking.

This is where Emotional Intelligence Tools and Coaching, specifically good for a workplace environment, can teach you more about yourself and your colleagues, and how you must work together to recognize each other’s core needs and fulfill these needs. Doing this will lead to more efficiency in the workplace. Here are some of the hallmarks of high EQ, a Workplace Testing Qualification such as Everything DiSCĀ® can be utilized to help you realize your abilities or work on, if you already practice these behaviors.

Emotional Vocabulary

We all experience emotions but we cannot all accurately identify them. This is problematic because unlabeled emotions can go misunderstood. In a work environment misunderstanding can lead to irrational choices and counterproductive actions amongst co-workers, not out of spite but simply because they are perplexed by your behavior. A high EQ is often reflected by an extensive vocabulary of how to describe feelings. Rather than feeling ‘bad’ they can pinpoint if it is irritability that they are feeling or frustration or anxiety. By being specific with your word choice you have a better insight into how you are feeling and what you should do about it , and you can also make the decision not to take it out on those you work with.

Curiosity and Care

Practicing having empathy for others is one of the most significant gateways to having a high EQ. The more you care about other people and what their experiences are, the more curiosity you will have. Empathy and curiosity are easy to detect in a person and it makes you pleasant to be around, others will know that you are a trustworthy person willing to help them with any problems they have.

Change is Good

If you have a high EQ, dealing with change is not a problem. You are readily flexible and constantly adapting. By embracing change you can make a productive plan of action, improving your chances of productivity.

You know You

As well as understanding and recognizing their emotions, those with a high EQ know their own emotions well. They know what they’re good at so get to use this to their full advantage. Far from shying away from their weaknesses, they simply try to channel them in a way that will not hold them back. As this workplace tool might help show you your weaknesses, put your high EQ into practice by developing a personal strategy for not letting weaknesses get the better of you.


EQ means knowing how and when to exert self control, not just for avoiding situations that are plainly bad for you, but also avoiding impulsive actions. Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitment and gives you an opportunity to successfully fulfill them. This means you will be always working to the best of your ability, something anyone serious about their career, will want to do.

Let it Go

Emotionally Intelligent people can distance themselves from their mistakes, but not entirely forget about them, in order to make sure that these failures transform into improvements. Their talents lie in remembering but not dwelling, as dwelling can lead to anxiety, something those with a high EQ will do all that they can to combat. The same sentiment here lies with the mistakes of others. Let go of that grudge, it is only causing you stress.

Be a Giver

Acting on the empathy and care that comes with a high EQ leaves a favorable powerful impression. Giving (either in material ways or by doing favors) without expecting anything back in return will help build good relationships. Giving comes naturally to those with a high EQ due to their constant thoughts about others.


Dealing with difficult people is exhausting but anyone with a high EQ knows that the only way to deal with such people is to approach any situation with them rationally. By having a strong sense of their own feelings, the emotionally intelligent person will not allow their anger or frustration to fuel the chaos and they are often good at finding solutions and common ground with the ‘toxic’ person. Even when things derail, emotionally intelligent people avoid being brought down so you won’t be compelled to think negatively about that person and about the workplace in general.

Appreciate and Don’t Go Seeking Perfection

A person with a high EQ doesn’t set perfection as their target because they are wise enough to know it does not exist. If perfection is your goal, you are always left disappointed. Taking time to contemplate what you are grateful for improves your mood because it reduces the stress hormone Cortisol by 23% so start thinking intelligently and contemplate your achievements and be grateful for them today. This will even motivate you to keep working hard so you can add to your list of personal achievements for a frequently enhanced mood.

They Disconnect

Taking regular time off is a sign of emotional intelligence because it helps to keep stress under control. Technology enables constant communication and the expectation that you should be available 24 hours a day. As emotionally intelligent people derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from within, they are the master of their own happiness and appreciate time to separate their thoughts from work in order to return to work feeling positive.

Whilst Workplace Personality Testing Tools like the DiSCĀ® range are not designed to measure your IQ or EQ, the self awareness these tools provide you with is something essential to becoming an emotionally intelligent person, both at home and at work. Emotional incompetence, such as difficulty in handling change, struggling with team work and poor interpersonal relationships are common factors leading towards lack of progression or unhappiness at work. Workplace Efficiency Training, whilst beneficial to training a team, is also very illuminating about the self, and the first step towards Emotional Intelligence is a deep understanding of yourself and your personal values.
Laura Morrissey is a writer for Everything Disc UK, a platform for assessing human behavior in the corporate world. She loves to engage leaders and professionals globally through her motivational and leadership articles.

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