Achieve Your Dreams By Lucinda Bassett

The more passionate you are about what you do, the more energy you are dedicating to the manifestation of your dreams.

In fact, without passion, you will never manifest anything. That is because all works of creation are generated by love — your love for yourself and for what you are creating. The love with which you imbue your work and your life in general will touch the hearts of people who come in contact with you.

The following suggestions will help you get in touch with your dreams:

Allow yourself to dream again. If I were your fairy godmother and I could sprinkle fairy dust on you and grant you one wish, what would it be? It’s time to stop talking about not having a dream and start figuring out what it is and how to achieve it. Be your own fairy godmother.

Be specific. If you want a new home, what does it look like in detail? How many rooms are there? What color is it and what is the style of furniture? Who will live there with you? Will you be there all the time or only in the winter? How many decks does the house have and how big a garden?

Is there a fountain at the front entrance? Does it have a swimming pool? These choices are all yours, so be specific. Focus on visualizing this dream, make it a reality in your mind, and give it everything you’ve got.

Give yourself a timeline. When can you make your dream happen? In two years? In five years? Are you saying something like “I’d really like to go back to school but I have three young children”? Change the “but” to an “and”: “I’d really like to go back to school and I have three young children.”

Doesn’t that make it feel more like a possibility? Just put a timeline on achieving your dream, because without one, it probably won’t happen. When you timeline your goal, you begin taking action in your life to move toward that goal, and you begin saying “no” to whatever is diverting you.

Make a plan of action. Excuses will do nothing to move you toward your goal. Only taking action will work. If you need to go back to school, sign up for one course to start with. If the university is forty miles away, get in your car and start driving.

The sooner you take positive steps in the right direction, the more real it becomes. If you want that home on a beach somewhere, go to a real estate agent and discuss it. The strength of your commitment and your belief in yourself will create the end result.

If you need financing, start looking now. Go to your local bank and discuss the possibilities. Or talk to people who have already done it. If they did it, so can you!

Take action. Do it now. Take the first step, and remember to surround yourself with people who lift you up, help you fly, and then stand back and watch you soar. Gayle King, lifelong friend to Oprah Winfrey and editor at large for O magazine, said in the June 14, 2010, issue of People magazine, “I celebrate Oprah’s success. I’m not in her shadow – – I’m in her light.”

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Let’s take a look at someone who made a plan of action work for him in a really big way.

* excerpted from the book The Solution: Conquer Your Fear, Control Your Future.
Lucinda Bassett, author of The Solution: Conquer Your Fear, Control Your Future and President of the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety. is a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker and best-selling author. Visit her website at

-what do you think of the ideas shared above? Is there anything you would like to share when it comes to achieving one’s dreams?