Author name: Josh Hinds

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Fisherman on a boat fishing at sunsetEmotional intelligence is the ability to identify the emotions of yourself and others, as well as regulate and modify those emotions. People with high emotional intellect can more accurately judge the emotions of others based on subtle cues like facial expressions or physical gestures.

Being emotionally intelligent can lead to an overall higher quality of life; both personal and professional relationships can flourish when you’re able to read and adjust to people’s emotions with ease. However emotional intelligence is more than just knowing what someone feels, it’s also understanding the cause of the emotion and how emotional states correlate within someone’s mind. Below I have listed some ways that you can heighten your emotional intelligence.

Six destructive habits that could be holding you back

I am a big fan of habits. Good ones that is.

Of course, not all habits are productive ones.

Some are bad for us, they stop us from succeeding, and they reinforce negative patterns that we’ve picked up from parents, friends or colleagues.

No one is perfect, but I’ve found that the most successful people find ways to replace their bad habits with good ones.

A successful career, after all, is really just a series of good habits put into action over and over again.

But in order to eliminate our vices and form productive habits, we need to identify our destructive ones.

Don’t Be Busy, Be Productive: 10 Tried-and-Tested Ways to Use Time Wisely

Most people think that working hard means scurrying from one task to another and this will make them successful one day. They cannot be any further from the truth. In fact, time management is not about being super busy. It is about simplifying your personal and professional life, relieving stress and staying organized.

In other words, you should be able to arrange your commitments in such a way that you get to spend more time embracing your passions even when you are busy. Implementing the following 10 tips will increase your productivity and help you stay organized.

Passionately Live Your New You Through New Eyes

Why do we find change difficult when having the tools, resources, and time in the world ? This boggles me because I know I want to change but, I feel something is missing about me and sometimes I think to myself will this convince me to change?

That thought dances in my mind several times.

Yes that is it. Perhaps we are not convinced completely about the change. Nevertheless, how many times have we struggle with that thought?

“I need to change”

How To Become More Social And Make New Friends

Group of friends standing on a hill at sunsetIt may not be easy to change but it’s worth it.

At the age of 20, I was depressed, had health problems, major social anxiety, and didn’t really know how to make friends. It felt like being on a deserted island even though there were people everywhere. I wasn’t able to reach out to them and connect.

One day I made the decision to change because I realized the problem wasn’t other people, it was me. It was time to learn social confidence and start connecting with others.

The influences behind “Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to The Cheerful Mind”

Apryl Schlueter inspirational author and coachWhen I decided to become an author, I knew that the story I wanted to share was a rather personal one, and I wanted to make sure what was captured in Finding Success in Balance was 100% mine.

For many years, I spent time worrying about the implications of any actions I took; “What will they think? Will they like me? What if I am judged in a negative way? Am I good enough?” These thoughts and questions were exactly the language that prevented me from achieving a lot of the success I craved.

The Myth of the 40-Hour Work Week By Steve Diggs

Steve Diggs - Speaker and authorIn the 1930’s the United States government told us a lie. They told us that if we were working 40 hours per week…we were fully employed. Wow. That may have been the first time in 5000 years of recorded human history that anyone had ever heard that! Historically, a typical workweek included 12-hour days, six days a week.

There are 168 hours in a week. As a guy who has worked plenty of 80- and 90-hour weeks, I can tell you there’s nothing that says you can’t work more than 40 of them. As a matter of fact, some of the most successful people I know are people who work half-time…12-hour days.

The Top 8 Reasons Why You Aren’t Winning

If you think your life sucks, it probably does. If you think people aren’t giving you a break, they probably aren’t. If you feel as if you will never be rich, you are probably right.

Why? Your mind is that powerful. It will manifest your dominate thoughts into reality, whether you like it or not. Your life is only the sum total of your thoughts, and if you are not winning, your thoughts suck.

Stop Saying No: Tips for Overcoming your Monster

To do list on a smartphoneWe get used to saying no. “No, I can’t have this.” “No that can’t be done.” “No that won’t happen.” Sometimes we get so used to saying it, that it starts to creep into our dreams, hopes, and opportunities to grow. Then suddenly you’re saying “No, I can’t be normal.” “No, I can’t do that.” “No, ’cause why bother?”

This is your inner monster. The beast inside of you that has nothing better to do than second-guess your every move. And this beast likes rewards, feed it money, food, alcohol, the end of the workday. It’s happy to eat that up, and be quiet for a while. Until you do something it doesn’t like, you do something that is new, unfamiliar, risky, personal, or important to you. And then it’s there, telling you how and why it cannot be done.

Why complaining is ruining your life

Whenever an event or an action does not go the way we expected it to go, we start whining and complaining about everything that is associated with it. If you look at yourself consciously, you would find that complaining comes to you quite naturally. Grumbling is the easiest thing you can do to overshadow your failure and if it becomes a habit, it will turn into a way of living. But in the process, you are falling in a vicious trap of negativity and ruining your life.

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