Author name: Josh Hinds

The Difference Between Dreams and Reality? By Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor - Author and SpeakerHere is an interesting concept that I have used ever since I can remember and that I have shared in my seminars for years. If you’re interested in setting a sizeable goal, I know it will help you too!

I want to talk about Fantasy, Theory, Fact. The basis for this concept is that everything has its origination in the form of a Fantasy, which some adventurous soul dares turn into a theory and then becomes bold enough to turn into a fact. This entire transition, of course, is the result of the highest form of no-limit, positive thinking available, yet, the cautious may construe this as erratic behavior.

Are You a Scanner? By Barbara Sher

Barbara Sher“I can never stick to anything.”

“I know I should focus on one thing, but which one?”

“I lose interest in things I thought would interest me forever.”

“I keep going off on another tangent.”

“I get bored as soon as I know how to do something.”

“I can’t stand to do anything twice.”

“I keep changing my mind about what I want to do and end up doing nothing.”

“I work at low-paying jobs because there’s nothing I’m willing to commit to.”

“I won’t choose a career path because it might be the wrong one.”

6 Essential Skills for Productivity and How to Develop Them

Business productivity with calculator and other toolsIn order to have a successful career and a healthy lifestyle, you should have a set of skills that increase your productivity. A person with high productivity is a person who’ll be a leader of his generation. For you to improve your productivity, you should have these 6 very important skills.

1. A good planner

A successful man’s best friend is his notebook because it keeps him organized and helps him plan his activities. Before going to bed you should take a look at your next day activities. You should plan them in a way that will increase your efficiency and will make use of your time in a productive manner. By knowing your plan for the entire day, you will be able to optimize the resources you use for every activity and use them more effectively.

The Importance of Having Good Leaders vs. Bad Bosses

LeadershipYou may have heard the saying that employees don’t leave companies, they leave bosses. This is a strand of wisdom that should be taken quite seriously. Especially when you are dealing with trained professionals who know their value, they are far less likely to deal with a bad boss.

More than 50% of employees feel that the bad bosses of their past were the main reason for them looking elsewhere for better opportunities. A majority of those individuals were educated, highly trained assets to the company that they left behind. Does your company experience high turnover in general or in certain departments? Do you know the signs to look out for when it comes to having bad bosses on your team?

Leadership 101: Unleashing The Leader Inside You

Man helping other person up a mountainLeadership is not a position, it’s a decision. Every day you must decide to embrace your inner leader, making the choice to lead in a positive way. Right where you are, at whatever place you currently find yourself in life, be it personally or professionally.

Leadership is multifaceted. For our purposes I’ll breakdown what I’ve come to see as leadership essentials. Over my professional life I’ve been blessed to observe, and live out many of the ideas shared below. I have been a student of leadership and personal development for many years.

Get Out of ‘Bed’ And Grab The ‘Oar.’

Hang glider flyingIt is not what happens to us, but how we react that makes or breaks us. Life throws things at us when we least expect, some things are great, others are difficult.

It is fascinating to watch the difference in peoples’ reactions and how some individuals can find good in basically anything, a silver lining in every cloud.

Others fall apart when difficult circumstances arise, believing they are being victimised and showing little resistance to the situation at hand.

How To Get Motivated And Be Productive In The Morning

Early morning sunriseImagine waking up feeling excited about the day; you feel motivated and energetic to begin working on your dreams. You exercise, you plan for your day, you work on your most important task first, you get results, and you feel passionate about what you do. How is that for a great morning?

Morning is the most important time of the day because if you set things right, everything will go smooth and follow according to plan.

Sadly, most people only imagine going through a great morning and a great day, in reality, they always rush, skip their breakfast, get stuck in the jam and are always feeling tired with no energy when they reach their office (or begin the day).

7 Practical Ways To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Mountain climber looking at the landscapeThere is no benefit of sticking to that warm and safe zone that is very comfortable.

The best way to achieve self-development is getting out of your comfort zone.

You will encounter new exciting experiences once you step out of your comfort zone. You will find freedom from boredom outside such a comforting zone. This article presents seven practical ways to break out of your comfort zone. Some of these ways are familiar, and this presentation will just be a reminder of what you know.

9 Confidence Hacks For When You Need A Little Boost

Woman showing confidence on a mountain topSome days, you feel a little more doubtful than you usually do. Maybe you have multiple stresses that have accumulated, maybe you just had a bad day, or maybe it’s for no particular reason at all. Whatever the cause, everyone experiences a lack of confidence at one point or another. And the good news is that with a little bit of investment in yourself, boosting your confidence can be fun, easy and satisfying.

5 Signs that Confirm You Have Found Your Passion

Mountains feeling balancedHave you heard the quote “Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life”?

Whether you believe the quote above to be true or not, it’s worth giving some consideration to.

Here are 5 indicators that tell you that you’ve found your passion as a career:

1. You tap dance to work. This was a phrase that Warren Buffett uses to describe his job. He used it even before he got rich. A great indicator of your success is jumping out of bed in the morning. You cannot even wait to get to work. You are enthusiastic about your job and love every part of it. You work with only people you love.

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