Author name: Josh Hinds

Success Lesson: 3 Ways To Ditch The Blame Game

Early Jackson - motivational speaker & authorIf you were raised in a family with other siblings chances are you have played the blame game a time or two. In fact, more than we all would care to admit, when confronted by a parent with the question, “Who did this?” we quickly replied “Not me.”

As I have raised my children past the age of running around the house like a tornado, I have had my share of conversations about this mysterious person, “Not Me.” It is no wonder once we grow up we still have a tendency to shift the blame to a fictitious character.

Success Lesson: The Power of Self Interest

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorThe reason I have never bought a lottery ticket is that I don’t want to soil my belief system with fantasies of striking it rich through pure luck. Lotteries are perhaps the ultimate free-lunch delusion, which is why they are a favored method of taxation by governments throughout the world.

Sooner or later, anyone who is serious about success must be willing to discard something-for-nothing fantasies and understand that the key to getting what you want in life is to think value instead of rights. You have no right to someone’s love, you have no right to someone’s friendship, you have no right to someone’s respect. All these, and more, must be earned, and to the extent you create value for others, you will have them in abundance.

10 Tips to Keep Your Attitude in Check

Positive AttitudeWhen times get tough it can be easy for your attitude to take a complete nosedive. Everyone goes through ups and downs, but it is very important to keep a positive outlook even when you are at your lowest.

Your attitude has an effect on so many aspects of your life such as your health, your motivation and even how others perceive you.

By following a few of the following tips, you will be sure to keep your attitude in check, even in the most difficult of times.

4 Changes to Your Mindset that Will Motivate You to Change Your Life

Mindset changes that will Motivate youWe live in a world that can sometimes be overbearing. Whether we are aware of it or not, forces outside of our control are constantly attempting to influence us; whether it is peers, parents, bosses, advertisements or even the government — it seems everyone wants us to fit their image.

While as teenagers, we rebelled against these influences in order to assert our own uniqueness, as time passes, we often forsake our own unique and creative spirit in order to accommodate the expectations of others out of a desire for security.

11 Strategies To Expand Your Life In a Powerful Way

1. Define your future.

Describe the life you’d like to live. The future you see defines the person you’ll need to be. Identify the traits and qualities you’d like to acquire. Think bigger than yourself. An acorn that only thinks as an acorn will never become a mighty oak. Stretch yourself. You are undoubtedly capable of more than you ever dreamed is possible for you.

2. Become the person who would achieve your goals.

As you develop the skills, knowledge, relationships and demeanor of the “future you,” your goals will be the natural by-product of your growth. Spend an extra hour each day in the study of your chosen field.

Why working backwards is the best way to reach your goals

Reach your goalsWhen you are first working towards a dream or goal, the first flurries of excitement can result in getting loads done, but there can tend to be a lack of structure to your path. 

After the excitement has died down the sheer task can seem so daunting and so far away that sometimes it’s easy to give up even before we even get started.  With a bit of planning your dream can get that structure so that you can achieve it more easily.

Eliminate The Negative And Accentuate The Positive In Your Life

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerAccentuate The Positive. That was the title of a popular song of yesteryear. Unfortunately, according to Aubrey C. Daniels, Ph.D., and Neil Baum, M.D., in too many businesses we are managed in the negative rather than in the positive. They point out that management often says to their staff, “Don’t mention the competitor’s product,” or “Don’t forget to make five cold calls this week.”

Plan Your Year In Advance By Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - motivational speaker and authorIt’s that time again: time to create a plan that improve your life, whether they help you become a better person or experience greater levels of success. What if I told you I could show you a proven method for following through on your plan – this year, and every year?

The starting point of setting goals for the coming year is for you to project forward and think back. Practice what we call “Back from the Future” thinking. Project forward to the end of the next twelve months and ask yourself, “If everything happens perfectly, what will it look like?”

Make the Impossible Your New Normal

Scott Dinsmore - Live Your Legend FounderIn this life, it’s pretty easy to keep moving ahead, following the crowd and taking advice that makes everyone else comfortable.

– Go to a good school.
– Graduate, then get a good job.
– Take any job that looks great on your resume. You can have fun later.

I listened to all this advice, and I even followed it for a while after I graduated from university. But then, just a couple of months into a “great” job with a Fortune 500 company, I woke up.

Yes We Are All Snowflakes But …

We are all snowflakes but ...Lewis Black, in his HBO special, Black on Broadway, sarcastically remarked, “We are all snowflakes,” making the point that as human beings, we are all different, much as snowflakes reveal unique differentiations under microscopic examination.

While this is indisputable, the fact remains that although we are unique, we share many traits in common with others in the human family and this becomes evident when you begin looking into the common attributes of successful entrepreneurs.

As the CEO, and something of a serial entrepreneur myself, I can attest to the fact that the attributes I am about to share with you are common to every entrepreneur I have ever known.

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