Author name: Josh Hinds

Escaping the State of Waking Dreams By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorReality is an issue that people tend to get very emotional about. The problem is that reality is nothing more than truth, and as Baltasar Gracian, the insightful and pragmatic 17th century Jesuit priest, cautioned, “Truth is abhorred by the masses.” Instead, they try to make true that which they love — a self-delusive practice that virtually guarantees frustration and failure.

Unfortunately, most people live in an unreal world; i.e., they create a world in their own minds based on the way they would like it to be rather than the way it actually is. They seem to have adopted the philosophy of Ashleigh Brilliant, who once remarked, “I have abandoned the search for truth, and am now looking for a good fantasy.”

Success Lessons: The Power of Trust in Business

Sooner or later every executive realizes that 99 percent of the people she depends on for success don’t report to her. The success of every CEO depends far more on vendors, stockholders, board members, regulators, politicians, strategic partners, the financial community, the media, and customers than it does on the relatively small number of paid employees that report to her either directly or indirectly.

Recognizing Our Gifts

“A friend is a gift you give yourself.” — Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894, Novelist and Poet)

We are literally, and physically surrounded by gifts, but often do not see what is inside each of them, nor what is deep inside of our SELF. Each of us, having been given a ‘life assignment’, is in constant motion—discovering how exactly to unwrap that which we have been given. Learning to see inside the package, the ‘gift’ of a friend is illuminated right before our very eyes. Do you truly see your ‘gifts’? Do you see the ‘gifts’ inside those who surround you? One of the best ways to appreciate our ‘gifts’ and the ‘gift’ of a friend is to go on a ‘gift exchange’; sharing what you see in a friend, and asking them to share what they see inside of you, is a powerful way to enjoy the present (another word for ‘gift’) and dig up some of the precious jewels that always reside inside the proverbial ‘gift’ package…

So You Wanna Be an Overnight Success in Your Business?

Jim Rohrbach“If it were EASY to start up a successful new business, then everybody’d be doin’ it, and then it would be worth the equivalent of flippin’ burgers at your local McDonalds — a minimum wage job.” — Jim Rohrbach

OK — all you beginning business owners out there — don’t you wish someone would tell you the TRUTH about what it takes to start up and run a successful business?  I mean, the real dirt, not the hackneyed sayings from the motivational speaker cheerleaders:   “Just do it!” “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”  “The sky’s the limit!”  What happens when you’re a couple of years into it and  the sky is falling?

How Motivation happens

Have you ever been reallly motivated to do something?

An interesting experiment was conducted recently where people were asked to pick out films from a selection of what they’d like to watch. 2 conditions were placed upon the subjects. The first time they were asked to choose, they had to pick films they were to watch over the space of a couple of weeks. The second time they were told to pick films they had to watch straight away one after the other.

Success Lesson: Law Of Opposites By Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor - motivational speaker and authorHave you ever paid any attention to the idea that there are “two sides to everything?” Think of how often you have heard that.

Look at your hand. It has a front and a back side. Your body has a right and a left side. The automobile or room you are in has an inside and an outside. You couldn’t possibly have one without the other.

This is an orderly universe, of which you are a part. The whole universe is governed by laws.

Staying Motivated: What’s your C-S Quotient?

We’re all wired differently, right? Yet, so often people expect others will react with happiness, anger, curiosity or sympathy to the same things that provoke those feelings in us. This is true when it comes to motivation, and it’s easy to forget. When it comes to keeping ourselves motivated, it can be especially important to remember that different things drive us.

Several months ago, I confided to my boyfriend something I wanted to accomplish professionally. I described my desire to conduct a special kind of personal development workshop aimed and self-empowerment and increasing life satisfaction. My partner is an IT professional, and I understand when I speak in touchy-feely language, I will often lose him. Still I thought, he could appreciate goal-setting and would be interested to hear what actions I planned to take to accomplish this goal.

Is winning at everything really that important?

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorYour cerebral computer, commonly referred to as the brain, contains a biological chip I like to think of as your Weight and Balance Happiness Scale. This remarkable scale automatically weighs every known alternative available to you at any given time and chooses the one it believes will result in the greatest amount of happiness for you.

The only problem with your Weight and Balance Happiness Scale is that it sometimes malfunctions, meaning that it doesn’t always process the facts correctly. And when that happens, the decisions you make are usually not in your long-term best interest.

9 Simple Steps To Completely Transform Your Life And To Achieve Whatever You Want

“If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.” —  W. L. Bateman

Of course, if you keep on doing the same things over and over again, how should you get any different results? This makes completely sense – no?

However, it is not quite that simple and straightforward. The truth is, as long as you don’t change at a deeper, inner level, you will keep on getting the same results in your life.

It is not so much about the actions you are taking, but more about your inner state of being.

One Personal Development Concept That Will Change Your Life

Slavko DesikIf we observe the personal development industry and what self-improvement teaches us as a philosophy, it is easy to assume that the bigger part of it is self-centered. However, the core of personal development, or the idea that has been much altered and modified throughout the years suggests otherwise.

Personal development is, in a nutshell, a philosophy of living where you improve yourself in all the possible aspects you can as to be able to function and perform in relation to others, society, the “rules of the game”.

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