Author name: Josh Hinds

Success Tip: Effective Calendar Management Tips

Michelle PrinceThere are many articles on effective calendar management available. Here are some highlights that may help you plan your time more effectively.

1 – Plan Your Day

Before you even leave your office/desk and the end of your day take a few minutes to schedule your time for tomorrow. Remember to block out time for meals and exercise.

2 – Meetings

If you have a commitment to regular business meetings or family activities schedule them throughout the year at one setting. You can then plan your time around them.

3 – Travel

Success Lesson: Playing Games Can Elevate Your Life

Early Jackson - motivational speaker & authorUnless you’ve been under a rock or completely unconscious, you know how popular games and the gaming industry has become over the last 10 years. A multi-billion dollar industry, gaming, has impacted everything from foreign policy to the sports world. The impact on games and training in the military has even changed the way we fight wars. And if you have children, you know what it does to kids whenever they are sent to their rooms to clean. The reality is, even if you don’t like them, video games have come and aren’t going anywhere.

7 Reasons to Kickstart Your Overdue Business Dream Today

It’s been years since you first sketched out that business idea on a piece of paper. It came to you out of nowhere. It gave you a rush of hope and excitement about a new beginning. It was a seed that planted itself in your mind and got your creativity juices flowing.

It made you go what if.

What if you pursued the idea and it worked?
What if you build the business and it succeeded?
What if it made a difference you could be proud of?
What if it solved problems and took away pains?
What if it was fun? And exciting? And made money too?

A Man (or Woman) Alone with His Dream

It must have been chance.

I almost never watch TV but my wife was downstairs and she had the TV on and what I saw next was not only inspiring but amazing.

On June 15, Nik Wallenda, walked over Niagara Falls from the US into Canada …

… on a tightrope.

The whole ordeal had me captivated and not because it was death defying or entertaining but because of one “image” that really resonated with me.
When they showed Nik on the tightrope making his walk, he was one man, alone, taking small steps towards his dream.

Don’t Forget What’s Important While Taking Care of What’s Urgent

I just finished a project with a hard deadline. I turned over research and recommendations to other team members about a week ago. They crafted a slick Power Point show and flew to Dallas to deliver the BIG presentation.

I know I did a good job, but now I am feeling as if I have to start my life over. I am feeling depleted and a little disconnected.

I am sure most of us have experienced something like this. For six weeks, my entire schedule revolved around setting and juggling appointments related to this project, talking to the right people and conducting the fact-gathering work involved. I’m experiencing more than a little letdown.  For six weeks, I ate, drank, and dreamt this project.

You Are The Leader Of Your Own Life!

My Secret Weapon for Success

I thank God for all those tough times and obstacles in my life; it is because of them that I am now enjoying the life of my dreams! By overcoming the difficult challenges in life, I discovered a few secrets to success and happiness.

First, life requires meaning – one which is greater than you. Though we all work for some level of personal gain, I try to make sure that the benefits that result from my efforts are shared with others. I believe that one way a person can achieve greatness is by believing and ensuring that one’s accomplishments benefit others as well. You do not have to be a hero to save the world; it can be as easy as working for your community or even your neighbors.

How to Love Your Work. The ABC’s of Loving Your Job by John C. Maxwell

John C. MaxwellPeople who want to retire so they can sit under a coconut tree watching the grass grow baffle me. We were created for meaningful work, and one of life’s greatest pleasures is the satisfaction of a job well done.

And yet, there are millions of people who don’t like their job. There are over 600,000 ways to make a living in this country, yet job satisfaction surveys tell us that more than 50 percent of the working population claim to dislike their job. Something’s wrong with this picture!
I’ve discovered that loving the job you have, or finding a job you can love, is dependent on three things. I call these the “ABC’s of Loving Your Job.”

5 Ways to Become Self-Motivated

Although my book and sales process teach how to motivate others, learning to motivate yourself is the most important way to ensure success. Self-motivation is something many claim to have-however few can perform to the highest of standards without incentives from others.

5 Ways to Become Self-Motivated

1. Set realistic goals for yourself. Make a list of your top priorities each day and goals for each week and each month. Knowing what you are trying to achieve makes getting there more attainable and realistic. Make sure your goals are manageable and within reach-or you may risk setting yourself up for disappointment or burning yourself out.

Going Above and Beyond: The Many Benefits of Coaching

A few years ago, I read a biography of Bruce Lee that included a section describing how he experienced a series of recurring nightmares. These led to a growing sense of fear and unease during his waking hours, and he lost confidence in various areas of his life. It’s fairly obvious why confidence is important to a kung fu master and international film star; the negative effects of his anxiety took a toll on him professionally.

The Power of the Start – Getting Started is the Difference Maker by Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma - motivational speaker & authorThere is great power in the start. One of the things I have learned is that you have to expect the unexpected. So many of us have long-term plans but life happens and we don’t turn those plans into reality.

Yes, planning is important. And remember that this day will never come again and what you do in the remaining hours of this day could move your life in a whole new direction.

For example, today is the day you could pick up the phone and forgive that person who, you know in your heart, needs to be forgiven.

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