Author name: Josh Hinds

Eight steps to push through any obstacle and motivate yourself at will

How would you like to learn the secret to overcoming any struggle, no matter how tough?

It’s mile 23, you have 3 more left and your leg starts cramping or you just quit your job, started your own business and suddenly you can’t find any clients. What do you do?

Any worthy endeavor requires struggle and hardship. Whether you strive for athletic mastery or professional success or you are just looking for that perfect partner, there will be moments in your journey when you want to quit. Those are the moments that shape character and separate successful people from failures.

Doing What You Love or Loving What You Do

Ani Chibukhchyan“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

The quote states the ideal situation. It sounds pretty simple and easy but it is not. There are many different aspects related to it – money just being one. Usually what you love may not be profitable/marketable/reputable… etc. What then?

Many would argue back saying ‘’just do what you love, follow your passion and the money will follow.’’ Well maybe it will – maybe it won’t.

7 Ways to Stay Motivated to Write Killer Blog Posts

Henri Junttila* Guest post by Henri Junttila

I’ve been blogging since 2009, and almost every week I’ve put out a new piece of content.

It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve managed to stay consistent, which has led to my blog growing to thousands of subscribers and tens of thousands of monthly visitors.

Success comes from showing up every day and doing what other people aren’t willing to do.

That means staying motivated when your motivation flies out the window. But how do you do that? How do you stay motivated?

Here are 7 things that work for me: 

The Dignity of Simplicity by Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerAuthor John Maxwell says, “There is great dignity in simplicity. Most of the immortal works of literature not only have the brilliance of brevity, but also the dignity of simplicity. The Lord’s Prayer consists of only 57 words, none more than two syllables.

The Declaration of Independence, which revolutionized the thinking of the new world, can be read by a fourth-grader in less than five minutes. Simplicity is eloquent; it speaks loud and clear without insulting the intelligence of the listener.”

No Worries by Lee Colan

Lee Colan“Lauren,” Hank scolded, “you really have got to stop worrying so much. You’ve made it a full-time job! You worried about James failing high school. You worried that the girls would marry deadbeat husbands who wouldn’t provide for them. You worried about our flights getting cancelled before our vacation. Last month, when you had that cold, you even worried about getting the whooping cough, of all things. You worried about all these things, and none of them happened!”

“See!” Lauren exclaimed. “It worked!”

5 Simple Ways to Get Motivated to Improve Your Health

Have you tried to improve your health and well-being but it just hasn’t worked?

Do you wish it were easier?

I know the feeling. Getting motivated to improve your health and well-being isn’t easy, but it can become easier if you make a few shifts.

These shifts happen in your head.

Are you starting to become curious? Let’s take a look at what they are, shall we?

1. Tiny Steps

The first thing you want to do is take tiny steps. You don’t have to overhaul your health overnight. You don’t have to go from eating pizza and pasta to living on broccoli and sprouts.

The Life of Your Dreams by Jim Stovall

Dreams are the stuff that make up our lives. We are either in the fortunate group of people who are living out our dreams, or we are those restless, wandering individuals who are living the proverbial lives of quiet desperation.

I am not talking about daydreams or fantasies. We all have those fleeting glimpses of ourselves playing center field for the New York Yankees or the St. Louis Cardinals, as the case may be, in the final game of the World Series. I am, instead, talking about dreams as a future visualization of how our lives could be or should be.

Why You’ll Never Achieve Your Dreams (Without this One Crucial Quality)

Have you ever had that nagging question in your mind? The one that goes something like this:

“I’d love to do [insert your dream goal here], but am I just kidding myself? I mean, I know others can achieve that, but I just don’t have what it takes.”

Now, maybe you think this because you see others who already know all you still have to learn. They seem so much better than you currently are. How could you ever catch up? Or maybe you’ve tried and failed and it’s got you discouraged.

Conquering Life In Bite Sized Pieces

Early Jackson - motivational speaker & authorLife is not really about what happens to you, but how you respond to it. If you were to poll any social setting you would quickly find that more people than expected have endured severe situations and came out on the other side with a smile. How you may ask? By adjusting their thinking to understand two vital facts.

First, all of life is cyclical. We are all rotating through this life in between struggles and good times. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you make peace with life. Next, you cannot eat an elephant in one setting. Big problems become manageable when you break them down into bite sized tasks.

When unmotivated, meander…

I woke up to a dismal drizzle outside yesterday. Bleached of sunshine, I felt queasy with the murky weather. I had planned to accomplish some writing for my blog yesterday and carved out the whole day for some creative works. Yet, recovering from a cold and fever compounded by the grey skies, I had all but a lack of enthusiasm.

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