Author name: Josh Hinds

10 Things that Positively Influence Your Memory

Due to various reasons we use less than 10% of the potential of our brain, the most important of which is the ability to remember all sorts of information, i.e. our memory.

Like a computer, everyone has their limits for information storage. Some people quickly and easily remember, and even after many years can reproduce different details, while others immediately forget everything.

Of course, you want to keep in your brain as much information and data as possible. After all it’s such a shame to forget important details, events, people, phone numbers… Unfortunately, there haven’t been any magic pills created that would allow avoiding drowsiness or could increase the efficiency of your memory. But today there are many techniques to improve your memory. Let’s look at some effective ones.

Success Lesson: The Keys to Having-It-All By Krista Magidson

Is the pursuit to “having it all” no better than chasing after a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Is it a sadistic and diabolical story perpetuated by the self-help industry? Or does the desire for living the ultimate life rise up from a kind of primordial yearning that’s embedded deep in your DNA; egging you on because you know that while it is elusive, it is also possible?

The biggest scam in human history is the belief that you could have-it-all if you only had enough time, money, talent, good looks, and education.

Success Lesson: Seize the opportunity and control your career

Life offers each of us a fabulous array of opportunity in both our careers and personal experiences. To realize our dreams we need only flex our imaginations and plan for success.

And yet, be warned, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. Guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” (Quote: Jim Rohn).

So, lets’ face it. To succeed, we must plan and compete.

How Motivated Are You

Without a doubt, motivation is the number one emotional factor needed to achieve your goals.

Without motivation you are more than likely going to run out of steam while climbing the mountain of success.

Many of my coaching students often complain to me that they are unhappy with their current situation in life, yet they have little desire or motivation to change them either.

Sarah needs motivation

Sarah called me one day asking how she could get out of her parents’ house and live on her own. Sarah explained to me that she felt confined to her bedroom most of the time, except when she worked.

Success Lesson: If You Want To Learn To Cook Go Meet A Chef Not A Food Critic

Unemployed most of his life, my father never once took a mortgage. Most of the time he was in rent arrears. That did not, however, stop him from starting a business as a mortgage broker. It failed a few months later, but not before several people had unnecessarily refinanced their homes upon his advice. I was sixteen at the time and shocked at how these people parted with their hard-earned cash without ever checking into the background of the advisor.

Success Lesson: Elite Human Beings vs. Apathetic Drones

Human beings. We are a highly elevated animal species, or at least that’s how we would like to think of ourselves. We have our own civilized jungle or habitat called “society”.

The only difference between our habitat and the wild animal one is that we have rules and laws to protect us from each other. Also, another difference between us and the animal kingdom, is that we have rules and laws to protect the weak ones.

You might wonder, who are “The weak ones”? The weak are the unmotivated ones, the lazy ones, the ones who expect others to take care of them.

Stop Procrastinating, Start Living

Everyone procrastinates. We usually do it to avoid a task that’s unpleasant or daunting. But when procrastinating starts to interfere with performance at work–by causing us to feel worried, fearful, and stressed-out, or by causing others to feel anxious because we’re holding up progress–then it’s time to stop putting the task aside and get on with it.

Here are 10 ways to get out of the quicksand of procrastination and reap numerous benefits, which include improved productivity, enhanced mood, less stress, better coworker relationships, a sense of accomplishment, and restored reputation at work as a “doer.”

Success Lesson: The Power of Transparency

Early Jackson - motivational speaker & authorNo one likes to broadcast that they don’t know something or that they’re not totally up to the task. In fact, we go to great lengths to show the contrary.

Governments have risen and fallen; lives have been devastated, and mistakes have been amplified simply because someone wasn’t humble enough to say “I don’t know.” Transparency is not a novelty accessory but a mandatory ingredient for a person of character. Our world has grown content with truth-benders and fact dodgers, but if we plan to leave a lasting legacy, it starts with the quality of transparency.

A Step Beyond Motivation

Taking action is the key to success and for many people, they rely on feeling motivated in order to take action. When we’re motivated, doing what needs to be done is easy. The challenge shows up when our level of motivation isn’t where we need it to be and as a result, at least for most people, the level of action taken decreases and even stops.

How to fall in love with negative feedback

You have been working hard to create a sales report to give to your boss. As soon as you return the report to her, she calls you and wants you to visit her room for a couple of minutes.

The topic of the meeting is your report and why your boss is not happy about it. She thinks that you could do much better and gives you some negative (but constructive) feedback about your work.

You go to your desk again, but you find it hard to concentrate on your work. You keep thinking about the feedback you just got.

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