Author name: Josh Hinds

How Rituals and Discipline can Improve Every Aspect of Your Life

We live in a world where there is a constant demand for everything. Success then, is derived not from resourcefulness or doing something great, but showing up day in and day out. And being dedicated, persistent, it buys you a lot of progress either way.

And although motivation for something and carrying a lot of knowledge under your sleeve helps a lot, we come to recognize discipline as the ultimate currency in whatever success that we talk about. Sure, these other things have definite merit for certain, but when observed closely we can see that discipline and persistence play a crucial role in many areas of life, and many complex systems in fact.

These little conversations we have today change our tomorrow

You might think that the title of this article is a bold statement. Yes, I guess it is but the reality is that it is one of the most correct statements you will ever read. Yet another bold statement you say, well lets dig into this a little deeper shall we?

Those little conversations you have with yourself are the reason you are where you are today, they are the reason for all of your successes and failures. All of your triumphs and defeats. These conversations we have with ourselves are the first line and the last line that you have to cross to meet your dreams, visions, and aspirations.

Success Tip: Lessons Can Be Taught Anywhere

As we walk through our ever exciting journey called life, we see that “life lessons” can be taught at every junction, every crossroads, and even at every moment. Most of the time, it is our presence that is lacking so we miss the WOO, we miss The Window Of Opportunity.

I recently had one of these WOO’s and it was so close to home and so magnificent that I just had to share it. My son plays hockey on a Bantam AE Rep Team. Now for those of you who have children involved in hockey, you will probably know what I am saying. They play a smaller loop than the higher seated B team in our particular center I guess is the easiest way to get into it without using your time discussing the levels of B vs AE in our center.

How to Make it Happen in a Watch What’s Happening World

OK, so you wanted to start a blog. You’re passionate about writing so you set up a website and went to town blogging. Six months into it, you only have a handful of subscribers, few comments, and nobody’s knocking your door down wanting guest posts. On top of that, your site could already use a major overhaul. You’re losing steam— fast.

You’ve heard it said that, “Some people make things happen, some people watch what’s happening, and some people wonder what the heck happened.” If the latter describes your attitude lately, you may need a little kick in the pants to get yourself motivated again in the face of not so promising writing career.

Success Lesson: Vibration is infectious

I think we have all been there, standing in line at a local restaurant, waiting for our children at their school, checking out at the local grocery store, being patient in one of the “big box” stores while doing our Christmas shopping, or even at a traffic light, driving down the highway, walking your dog, and getting your morning java at your favorite coffee shop. The possibilities of where this happen are truly endless.

What is “this” you might ask, “this” is catching someone’s attitude, someone’s positive vibration. Now of course this works both for positive vibrations and the not so positive. For this article we prefer to discuss the positive.

How to overcome overwhelm and get on with your success

Dora NudelmanHow many times have you had a big idea only to find yourself getting discouraged, even before you’ve gotten started?

Well my friend, this is called overwhelm. When you have a grand idea, your juices start to flow. Your mind starts to race. You feel motivated. You feel excited. You can’t wait to get started. But then “reality” sets in. Fear, doubt, and a whole bunch of questions arise, starting with, “How the heck am I going to get this all done?” But fear not, overwhelm is solvable.

Salespersons, fences – and changing the course of your life for good

Have you ever experienced a feeling where you are kind of living in two worlds at the same time and those worlds collide with each other at some level?

It’s like a constant state of being stressed out because you are not living the one particular way – even if you wanted to.

Also, It’s like an internal battle between something new and old where the new represents the good and the old represents something bad (or otherwise to be avoided) from the past.

4 Easy steps to have absolute control over your habits – a brief guide to alter or form a new habit

Back in 2011, I conducted a study with 250+ people. I surveyed their lifestyle and attributed each person to a part of their lives with the habits they have. The results were shocking. People had been processing their recent ill health, career, relationships changes for years.

So, what you are doing now, your habits today, will affect you tomorrow, next week, next year and even over the next decade.

The psychological and social clutter you collect on the way is what forms into intentions and further into habits you feel disqualified to alter or quit.

An Attitude of Gratitude: The Importance of Being Fully Present By Brian Biro

Brian Biro - breakthrough coachUnstoppable Vision Key #2: Be FULLY PRESENT in every precious moment!

The ultimate secret to balance, connection, and peace of mind is also the most important key to building trust instantly with everyone you touch. The secret centers around a simple, yet immeasurably profound principle called being fully present.

Perhaps the most powerful way to understand this principle of being present is to look clearly at what it is not.

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