Author name: Josh Hinds

The Habit of Success By Earl Nightingale

Do each day all that can be done that day. You don’t need to overwork or to rush blindly into your work trying to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time.

It’s the quality that counts…

Don’t try to do tomorrow’s or next week’s work today. It’s not the number of things you do, but the quality, the efficiency of each separate action, that counts.

Success isn’t about being lucky…

How to Let Go of Your Worry and Live the Life of Your Dreams

You know how awesome it is to dance when people aren’t watching? It’s great. There is no one to laugh at you, no one to please, no one passing their judgments on you about your moves.

It’s just pure. You move how you want to and you thoroughly enjoy it.

Well, what if you could do the same thing with your life accomplishments? Have you ever decided not to do something because you were worried about what people would think?

The 21st Century Thomas Edison

Here’s guessing that you have heard the statement that Thomas Edison said to a reporter about the amount of times he failed to create the incandescent light bulb. If not, here it is again for you.

In preparation for this article and for most of the interviews I have done, more than five hours has been used to research these comments from Mr. Edison and the conclusion is this: Depending on where you go, you will see quotes that Mr. Edison had anywhere from 700 to 10,000 “Steps” as he calls them to creating the light-bulb. Most of the stories we were able to find did indicate that it was a New York Times reporter that asked Mr. Edison this question, or something similar to this (depending on where you look).

5 Life-Changing Sayings About Success (And How to Use Them in Your Life)

When I was a kid, I thought success was something it wasn’t.

I thought it meant having a lot of money, fame, and nice cars. But success is none of those things.

Real success is being fulfilled and enjoying your life. This is something I’ve been fortunate enough to realize in the short time I’ve been on this blue planet of ours.

Before you start going after success, know what success means to you. Don’t chase after false symbols of success, because they’ll only disappoint you.

I’ve always been a big fan of quotes, so I’ve gathered together five powerful sayings about success that will inject motivation straight into you veins.

5 Tools for Bouncing Back from Just About Anything

Whether it’s a major life crisis such as losing your job or a daily setback like spilling your coffee on your clothes on the way to work, you can bounce back by using these five tools.


We tend to spend a lot of time denying that something bad is happening to us.

It’s called denial and it’s actually a protective measure designed to give us more time to adjust to whatever has just walloped us.

But denying the reality of what has happened to you for too long can get you into a lot of trouble as your problem continues and you don’t respond to it.

Learn How to Expand Your Goals and Believe in Yourself

We are creatures of comfort. For the most part we like feeling certainty on the outcome, knowing how all is going to turn out. And observing this inherent nature of ours, I realized that it is one of the main reasons why we seek conformity. Why we comply with following one linear pattern through life, why we fail miserably when we are out of the familiar.

And while blindly following one routine after another, there comes a time once in a while where we abandon the unilateral side of life and try to achieve something throughout change, setting new goals and changing our approach.

Success Tip: Creatures of Habit By Brad Worthley

We are creatures of habit and as you go through each day, old habits will be challenging you and trying to get you to revert back to your old ways. When this happens, you will have to recognize and learn to manage them. Habits can come in the form of behavior, thinking, feelings, or perceptions. They lie below the surface; under our level of awareness, and they certainly impact our daily lives.

Find Your Effortless Genius

Royale Scuderi - motivation and self improvement expertEach of us has our own unique genius. That special skill or ability that we perform with such ease and quality that it hardly seems to qualify as work. Some, the lucky few, discover their genius early on in, the gifted athlete, the talented artist, the skillful storyteller, or the musical genius. Others don’t discover their genius until much later. It takes some self-discovery, some poking around in your mind, observing your work, your results, listening to what others say about you, taking note, paying attention.

When One Door Closes, The Other One Opens

Mike was a world-class downhill skier. He lived and breathed downhill skiing and he has been very successful in his sport. He was a recognized and respected athlete.

One day, everything changed.

He was practicing for his next big race, but all of a sudden he fell down during his exercise. Immediately after he had fallen, Mike knew that something wasn’t right: his left leg felt numb.

Two weeks later, Mike was lying in a hospital bed and his left foot had just been operated on.

Motivation Lesson: The Best Day is Today By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorThere are two basic kinds of actions. One is pro-action, which puts you on the offensive and gives you a great deal of control over events. The other is reaction, which puts you on the defensive and relegates you to an inherent position of weakness.

An interesting way of looking at inaction is that it’s really just a negative form of action, a sort of black hole that sucks energy away from you much the same as the black holes of the universe pull matter into the deep recesses of their cosmic bowels. This is why inaction often yields consequences by default. If you wait for something, or someone, to act on you, you likely will be unable to control the consequences.

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