Author name: Josh Hinds

A Positive Attitude Is a “Must Have” in the Workplace By Ryan C. Lowe

Ryan C. Lowe - motivational speaker and authorFor the most part of my career I have been either working for a corporation or owning my own business. In both worlds, I noticed the most important prerequisite for success is a positive attitude.

A positive attitude in the workplace is the key ingredient. Whether you are an employee, manager or entrepreneur, you must have a positive attitude to deal with adversity, circumstances, co-workers or employees.

A positive attitude is the basis for achieving the goals set by the company, owner or employee. It not only helps to achieve those goals faster, but also creates better relationships, helping everyone enjoy the work that they do.

7 Habits of Highly Confident People

If you were to pick seven habits all highly confident people have, which habits would you choose?

Confidence is an outcome of developing many different habits. Here are seven essential habits you need to develop in yourself in order to become a highly confident and successful person.

1. Acting As If

Brian Tracy once said that “confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have”. Even though acting as a confident person when you’re shy won’t make you a confident person overnight, it will help you develop an appearance of a confident person which will attract confident people to you.

Committing BIGGER Than Your Obstacles By Tom Terwilliger

Tom Terwilliger - motivational speaker and authorLike the achievement of any worthwhile goal or objective your ability to tap into your potential as a leader will likely be met with a few hurdles and obstacles. Successfully navigating those obstacles will ultimately mean the difference between success and failure, frustration and celebration.

A man who knows a thing or two about getting over difficult hurdles is legendary Olympic Gold Medalist Edwin Moses who when asked about tapping into potential was quoted as saying “Lots of people just let it go by… and never accomplish what they want.”

Make it Happen in Life! By Ryan C. Lowe

Do you know that you have the power to change your habits, your life, and your destiny? It starts with the positive choice to get off your attitude and learn how to adopt a winning attitude.

If you are unfamiliar with what Get off Your Attitude means, then here is the definition. It means:

• To think positive and take action;

• To talk, believe, act, and think in a positive manner;

• To create a positive mindset during a negative situation or environment;

• To help someone to create a positive mindset to overcome fear, adversity, oppression, or challenges that person may face in life.

Secrets To Financial Freedom From A Self-Made Multi-Millionaire

Today, he is a multi-millionaire!

But where did he start?

I’m talking about Todd Tresidder, founder of Financial Mentor. He went from less than zero at age 23 to self-made multi-millionaire in 12 years.

I was honored to interview Todd, back in 2007, about his story of success and transformation. In this article, I would like to share with you a few insights from my interview with Todd.

When he was in college, he was surprised to see that most people spend their ENTIRE lives trying to earn money to make a living.

Slaying Your Own Giants! By Chris Widener

[Editors note: I love this article from my friend and colleague Chris Widener. Chris shares some rock solid ideas you can use to not only face life’s “giants” (i.e. challenges and adversities) but overcome them. Look for ways to apply what you learn the advice below and you’ll benefit greatly for doing so. Friend, there’s always a way to work through, around, or over whatever challenge life throws our way. The solution may be anything but obvious, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there to be found! — Josh Hinds ]

Chris WidenerSlaying Your Own Giants!

Optimists and Pessimists By Jim Stovall

I will freely admit to being an optimist. I believe the glass is always half full with refills on the way.

My friend and mentor, Zig Ziglar, is fond of saying, “I’m willing to go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take the tartar sauce with me.”

Being an optimist does not mean you are oblivious to the world around you. I realize there are many geopolitical and economic forces in play that make the future uncertain. The reality is that the future has always been uncertain, but this does not justify pessimism. I believe that no one is smart enough to be a pessimist.

Success Lesson: Four Pointers for Kicking Your Life into High Gear By Chris Widener

Chris WidenerBut first… A secret key to understanding success.

Secret Key: Success isn’t just doing certain things, though we will certainly do certain things to become a certain kind of person. What kind of person you are is what determines your success in life. Yes, you can do right things and achieve a certain level of success, but not the kind of success I am talking about – true life success.

So what are my four tips? Here the are:

1. Become a person of Vision…

Motivation Lesson – Dealing with Your Handicaps By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorA healthy perspective has allowed me to view so-called physical handicaps in a different light since my daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a relatively young age. Like most parents confronted with the illness of a child, I went through the usual stages of denial, anger, and despair.

However, as the years passed, I increasingly focused on how lucky my daughter was that she did not have the chronic-progressive type of multiple sclerosis. People with the latter form of the disease deteriorate rather quickly and usually become confined to a wheelchair early on. My daughter, who is attractive, intelligent, and personable, has been able to lead a relatively normal life, raise two children, and continue on a successful career path.

Reaping a Multiple Reward by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn motivational speaker, authorFor every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards. That’s one of life’s great arrangements. In fact, it’s an extension of the Biblical law that says that if you sow well, you will reap well.

Here’s a unique part of the Law of Sowing and Reaping. Not only does it suggest that we’ll all reap what we’ve sown, it also suggests that we’ll reap much more. Life is full of laws that both govern and explain behaviors, but this may well be the major law we need to understand: for every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards.

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