Author name: Josh Hinds

How to Create an Empowering Vision Board By Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield - motivational speaker & authorYour brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them!

Creating a vision book is probably one of the most valuable visualization tools available to you. This powerful tool serves as your image of the future – a tangible representation of where you are going. It represents your dreams, your goals, and your ideal life.

What Do You Believe? By Ryan C. Lowe

My question to you is, what do you believe about yourself? Do you believe you can do great things and that you have great things ahead in life, or do you believe that everything around you is hopeless? Unbelievably, the way you think and the way you talk to yourself, play a huge role in what happens to you for the rest of your life. Your thoughts are fundamental to greatness or failure, and can lead you to either the highest or the lowest points in your life. The secret is to keep your thoughts positive. Positive thinking and positive affirmations are the key ingredients to being successful in life.

Survivors and Thrivers! Chris Widener

Chris WidenerWhat are the differences between someone who survives and someone who thrives? Here are a few:

A survivor gets by, a thriver gets ahead. Do you feel like you are just getting by? You don’t have to. You can actually get ahead! You can be out front! You can thrive!

A survivor is tired at the end, a thriver feels full of energy. When you are finished do you feel tired? You can thrive and be filled with energy! You can thrive!

How to Clear Your Head Trash By Noah St. John

Noah St. JohnIn my previous article, I showed you that every decision you make comes from your Why-To’s and Why-Not-To’s. Yet, after sharing this information with over 250,000 people through my books, coaching programs and seminars, I’ve never met one person who doesn’t WANT to succeed.

So there must be something else going on…

Your mind is like an iceberg: 5% visible (above the surface) and 95% hidden (below the surface).

Let’s call the visible 5% your Conscious Mind, and the hidden 95% your Subconscious Mind.

Your Subconscious Mind is like a room that’s totally dark. When you can’t see something, it’s awfully hard to change it.

Mice and Men by Jim Stovall

jim stovall Recently, there was a university study done using white mice as the subjects for a psychological experiment. The mice were put into a cage with a red light and a green light on opposite sides of the space. The experiment was designed in such a way that when a bell rang, a mouse could rush to the red light or the green light to receive a treat. The treat was only presented for a few seconds, so that if the mouse guessed wrong and went to the green light when the treat was being presented at the red light, the mouse didn’t have enough time to rush across the cage and get the treat.

Horse Sense By Jim Stovall

jim stovall More than virtually any other animal, horses have impacted the way we humans have lived throughout most of recorded history. Many of us who have lived in the 20th and now the 21st centuries, have no direct connection to horses, but there is still much they can teach us.

Seven Truths About You By Brian Tracy and Christina Tracy Stein

Your natural state is to be happy, peaceful, joyous, and full of excitement at being alive. In this natural state you wake up each morning eager to start the day. You feel wonderful about yourself and your relationships with the people in your life. You enjoy your work and derive a great sense of satisfaction from making a contribution that makes a difference. Your primary goal should be to organize your life in such a way that this is how you feel most of the time.

Love ‘Em Down and Love ‘Em Up By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerThe way you start and end your child’s day is extremely important because if the day is started and ended properly, the time in between will go much better.

In almost every case, new mothers and fathers respond to their baby in a gentle and loving way. They talk, sing and coo while they prepare the baby for bed. They cuddle it until it goes to sleep, and then they gently lay it in its bed.

Getting Over Fear and On with Your Life! By Chris Widener

Chris WidenerThe main reason I do not have fear is because I have come to grips with the concepts surrounding fear. I have understood fear, primarily from two angles. The first angle is psychologically and the second angle is theologically. You see, I think that if we address the issues of life and the fears we experience from both a good understanding of psychology and theology, then I believe we can be free from fear.

Why Self-Help is SHELF-Help By Noah St. John

Noah St. JohnAmericans spend over 11 Billion dollars a year on “self-help” products. But I call most of it “SHELF-Help” — because most of it goes on the shelf, along with all the other stuff you’ve bought!

If you’re like most of my coaching clients, you’ve spent lots of money on “shelf-help”. But the REAL question is: Why, if we’re spending all this money, are so few of us actually living the life of our dreams?

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To answer this question, we must first ask a deeper question: What Really Causes Human Behavior? Here’s the simplest answer I’ve found to that question:

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