Author name: Josh Hinds

Optimists, Realists, and Pessimists By Jim Stovall

I’m a firm believer that, in life, we always find what we’re looking for.

Recently, I heard a story told by my friend and colleague, Dr. Wayne Dyer. He was walking on the beach near one of his vacation homes when he was confronted by a couple walking along the beach in the opposite direction. As Dr. Dyer passed the couple, the lady asked him if he lived in the area.

He confirmed that his home was in the vicinity. Her husband explained that they had just bought a home and were moving from New York and would be living near him on the beach. The wife asked Dr. Dyer if the neighbors were nice and pleasant.

Seven Ways to Boost Your Business Just by Asking By Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield - motivational speaker & authorOne of the easiest and fastest ways to grow your business is revealed in an ancient proverb: Ask and you shall receive. You’ve probably heard this phrase countless times in your lifetime, but how many times have you put this fundamental truth into practice recently?

When was the last time you asked for a written endorsement from a client or colleague? How about feedback from your customers? Or the opportunity to renegotiate something that just doesn’t work for you?

What Could You Do If You Truly Believed You Could not Fail? By Ty Bennett

Ty BennettI’ve thought about that question a lot. What could you do if you believed you couldn’t fail?

I have seen many times that it is not the challenge that holds us back but ourselves. I want to share a cool story to illustrate my point – hope you enjoy.

A business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out. Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park wondering if anything could save his Company from bankruptcy. Suddenly an old man appeared before him. “I can see that something is troubling you”, he said. After listening to the executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you”. He asked the man his name, wrote out a cheque, and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money.

Overcoming the Adversary of Self Doubt By Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expert
One of the Universal Laws is the Law of Polarity.

Everything has an opposite. Good / Bad. Up / Down. Big / Little. Faith / Doubt.

And from the Law of Polarity we realize that even our Divine Nature has an opposite.

And that opposite is called, The Adversary!

Yep, that negative consciousness that keeps us from LIGHT and from creating our dreams.

The Adversary’s sole function is to battle you, to pull you away from the Light. It’s sole goal is to create distance between YOU and Light/God/Happiness.

Believe In Yourself By Pegine Echevarria

Pegine Echevarria motivational speakerYou begin to believe in yourself when you take the time to applaud yourself. Look back on your life and work and applaud your achievements.

Too often, we look at the lists we have created, the mound of work on one side of the desk that somehow is supposed to get to the other side of the desk and think, “will we ever get it all done?”

When we see our kids, we think “Are they ever going to grow up?” We wonder if we will ever go on that trip, ever learn that skill or do whatever it is that we seem to question ourselves about.

Discipline is Easy: The Pain Paradox By Rory Vaden

Rory VadenWhen you hear the word discipline what comes to mind? Most of us associate it with pain and suffering or some other negative connotation. But if discipline is hard, ugly, or brutal then why do so many successful people cite it as the path to Success? Does that mean that Success must always be difficult, painful, or brutal?

Not necessarily. There are plenty of people who have found success with relative easeĀ due to timing, skill, or circumstance but no one has found Success (or maintained it) without discipline. That’s because Discipline is misinterpreted by our culture as the hard way… but discipline doesn’t always mean harder. Actually, Discipline is usually the easy way.

Change Is Good By Jane Schulte

Somehow the thought of any real change causes a tightening in your chest, a lump in your throat and a burn in your stomach. Why? Change evokes fear automatically as a human response.

Since the beginning of time, mankind has grappled with change. We all know stories or have loved ones or friends who are so rigid in their thinking that even the most minor deviation from their daily routine sends them into a tailspin.

But change is good! Not for the sake of change, but because it shakes things up, allows you to broaden your scope and opens your mind to possibilities that were never apparent.

Release the Shackles of Mediocrity! By Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expertImagine a BIG production company came to you with a huge budget and a line-up of the biggest names in Hollywood to make a movie of your life.

Tell me. Would anyone want to go see it?

And, if they did, would it be pegged as a great adventure; filled with outrageous risk and incredible quests? Would it be a famous suspense movie; peppered with dramatic failures where you turned victim to victory? Would it be an empowering love story — a heart-warming example of a person who knows how to really love?

In other words…

Perfect or Excellent? What’s the difference? By Jane Schulte

Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing – Harriet Braiker

When I was young, I was branded with the word perfectionist. I thought it was a compliment. Little did I know that it was not. In fact, being a perfectionist is stressful and maddening and can lead to anger and self-destructive type behaviors.

No one can be perfect. And no one should want to be. The silly things we do, the mistakes we make and the fact that we don’t know it all is what life is about. Learning, growing and having fun in the process.

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