Author name: Josh Hinds

How to Find Motivation From Within

Denis WaitleyMotivation is a contraction of motive and action. An inner force that compels behavior, it comes from within, not from any external circumstance.

You know where you’re going because you have a compelling image inside, not a travel poster on the wall, a financial statement with a big bonus, or a slogan in the hall.

The performance of many externally motivated individuals begins declining as soon as they win contests of one sort or another. I’ve personally witnessed this among Super Bowl champions and World Cup teams that lost the incentive to maintain their excellence after winning the cup, the honors, and the cash.

Make The Most Of Your Day! By Paul J. Meyer

When was the last time you complained that you had too much time on your hands? You probably cannot remember that far back. The truth is that most of us cannot squeeze into a 24-hour period all the items written on our daily planners. A common mistake most people make is to attempt to find time instead of make time!

How do you MAKE time?

FIRST, define your most important goals:
A burning desire to reach a specific goal motivates you to make time to take the required actions.

The Power Of Focus! By Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expertRemember when the “experts” told us that the key to success was multi-tasking?

It was a lie!

I bought into the whole philosophy of doing ten things at once. Check my emails while answering the phone, listen to my son while he tells me about his day, write a marketing letter in my head, wonder if I sent that proposal, shoot up a quick prayer, practice the speech I’m presenting next week, return an IM, all while I’m visualizing my dream life!

Ha! It was insanity. And it was keeping me from a breakthrough success.

Thinking Like A Farmer By Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn motivational speaker, authorOne of the difficulties we face in our industrialized age is the fact that we’ve lost our sense of seasons.

Unlike the farmer whose priorities change with the seasons, we have become impervious to the natural rhythm of life. As a result, we have our priorities out of balance. Let me illustrate what I mean:

Make the Most of the Seasons

For a farmer, springtime is his most active time. It’s then when he must work around the clock, up before the sun and still toiling at the stroke of midnight. He must keep his equipment running at full capacity because he has but a small window of time for the planting of his crop. Eventually winter comes when there is less for him to do to keep him busy.

Freedom from Urgency by Denis Waitley

Denis WaitleyFreedom from urgency… That’s what will allow us to live a rich and rewarding life. You may have thought your problem was “time starvation,” when in truth, it was in the way you assigned priorities in your decision-making process. Have you allowed the urgent to crowd out the important?

Each day we will continue to encounter deadlines we must meet and “fires,” not necessarily of our own making, we must put out. Endless urgent details will always beg for attention, time and energy. What we seldom realize is that the really important things in our life don’t make such strict demands on us, and therefore we usually assign them a lower priority.

Creating A New Positive Belief System by Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen - motivational speaker and authorIt is because of your belief system that you are where you are in life right now. You have created your success or failure with the beliefs that you have established within yourself.

Most people would be astounded to know how many of their beliefs are based on lack, limitation, and shortage, and that these thoughts reproduce themselves directly into their life experiences.

You owe it to yourself to think only of unlimited prosperity, because abundance IS reality. There is no lack, no shortage. There are no limits except for those we impose on ourselves. Prosperity doesn’t start with someone or something outside of you.

Six Foundational Reasons for Managing Your Time by Chris Widener

Chris WidenerMost of us know how to manage our time. It is pretty simple really. What most of us miss are compelling reasons to manage our time. We know the “how” but miss the “why.” Here are six foundational reasons I have that motivate me to manage my time and myself properly.

1. It is a matter of stewardship. I view my life as not my own. I am merely a steward of it. I am given control over it for some 70 years and I should make wise decisions with it! This is a great sense of responsibility that compels me to manage my time.

The Legacy We Leave in Our Relationships by Chris Widener

Chris WidenerRelationships are at the very core of our existence and something we deal with every day and on every level of our lives.

We have very superficial relationships with many people, such as merchants we may meet, and relationships that we consider intimate, such as the ones we experience with our immediate family and our mates.

Relationships provide us with both the most positive as well as the most negative experiences we have in our lives. There are those who, though they may never achieve fame or fortune in this world, will be remembered very highly by all who came in contact with them. Their funerals will overflow with people they have touched.

Use What You’ve Got By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerDunsmuir Shell is a large, profitable Shell station in Victoria, British Columbia. Mr. Dunsmuir has a unique approach which has enabled him to build a successful business.

Most readers of this article would not like to make a career of pumping gasoline in a service station. Dunsmuir Shell recognized that and capitalized on it.

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