Author name: Josh Hinds

Making Long-Term Suffering a Short-Term Problem Using The Upside of FEAR By Weldon Long

Weldon Long - author and speakerHaving spent 20 years living a life of poverty and desperation, including 13 years in federal and state prisons, and now living a life of nearly incomprehensible prosperity, I have learned that long-term suffering is a choice — our mindset will determine whether our suffering remains a temporary or permanent condition.

Now before complete apoplexy sets in and you begin shouting at your computer about all the people who have innocently suffered at the hands of others, let me explain the kind of suffering to which I refer.

Be an Embodiment of the Person You’d Like to Be By Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen - motivational speaker and authorBeing starts with simply being that which you would like to become. Once you mediate and hold the belief within yourself that you are what you would like to be, you start becoming that very thing, from the inside out!

Embodying what you would like to become transforms you. You already hold the traits within you that you would like to become.

In fact, it wouldn’t be possible to envision this new “person” you would like to be if you weren’t actually able to achieve that very vision. Allow yourself to feel it. And allow yourself to believe it.

Value Your Time And Your Value Will Rise By Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia - success conditioning expertIt just drives me crazy to see people that are supposed to be busy doing something, but they’re hiding out. Yeah, I’m like a former smoker who can’t stand the smell anymore.

What I mean is I was the biggest procrastinator you’ve ever met, in my early years. I’d spend an hour trying to get out of half an hour’s work. What a circus. My parents, teachers and employers weren’t very amused. TV was big in my life.

What a shame. What an incredible limiter of life.

Never say “Never” – it will become the longest void in your life By Kieran Revell

Have you ever faced that obstacle and immediately thought, “There’s no way I’ll ever finish this”  What about the days when you’ve stood at the starting line for that foot race and thought, “There’s no way I can beat these guys”: Perhaps you’ve had a great idea and immediately thought, “I’m never going to have the money to do this”

Top Five Action Steps To Get You Moving In The Right Direction

How to Have a Good Day Everyday: 5 Tips to Follow

Tip 1: Be Persistent and Complete Your Tasks

1) Persistence – Persistence is the fuel that gets done what needs to be done everyday. Persistence comes to us from two sources; either from passion or from persistence itself.

The motivation from persistence itself shows up when you are driven to continue to grow and learn and reach higher on the days when the motivation has waned.

Fortune Favors the Brave By Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - motivational speaker and authorBoldness is a necessary part of courage but it must be a boldness based on an intelligent assessment of the potential risks and rewards. The wonderful nature of boldness is that, properly directed, it builds the habit of courage in the person who practices it.

Act Boldly in Every Situation…

In my experience, any virtue translated into action leads almost invariably to positive results. This applies to integrity, persistence, courtesy, love and courage. I’ve always liked the advice of an old man to his grandson. “Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.”

Success Begins After You Fall By Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia - success conditioning expertToday’s your day.

I’m convinced of it.  It’s your day.  And today you’re going to get up all your courage and just do what you’ve been aching to do.

Just before you begin taking the first actions in attacking your challenge, you might be shaking like a leaf. I don’t know.

But it’s at that moment, when you’re feeling the most frightened that you’ll be making your biggest strides. Because today, you’re not going to back down.  You’re going to take a deep breath and go forward.

Hang In There by Ron White

Ron White motivational speaker and memory expertI remember Navy boot camp like it was yesterday. An event that occurred on my second day still causes me to pause when I reflect on it. You can tell a new soldier who has just arrived at boot camp from one who is about to graduate based upon the clothes and ribbons they wear.

It was clearly my second day, evidenced by what I was wearing. I was walking single file with my unit down a hall and a sailor who was just about to graduate passed us.

Twelve Steps to Conquer Fear By Joe Tye

Joe Tye - motivational speaker and authorFear is a reaction, courage is a decision. Perseverance is making the decision to have courage every day, day after day.

The late M. Scott Peck said that the absence of fear is not courage – the absence of fear is brain damage! No fear requires no courage – big fear requires big courage.

In today’s world, a successful life requires the courage to take risks, and the determination to persevere through all difficulties. Today, I’d like to share a dozen ideas for confronting your fears with courage.

Purpose, Vision And Goals By Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor - motivational speaker and authorDo you have a definite purpose that guides your ambitions, vision, and goals?

It doesn’t matter how you think you arrived here on this planet or under whose direction — the fact remains that each of us has specific talents and gifts that are uniquely coded within our own DNA.

As you go through life, you don’t just pick up things you like doing by chance. You discover what you’re good at because you were meant to discover it, just as you were meant to figure out what your fingers do, and how your elbows work.

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