Author name: Josh Hinds

Definitely Directed Thought by Vic Johnson

Vic Johnson - motivational speaker“All achievements, whether in the business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely directed thought.” – As A Man Thinketh

How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their life. I would expand that expression by adding that most people spend more time “thinking” about their vacation than they do thinking about what’s important in their life.

The power of “definitely directed thought” (the power of purpose) is why I love the story of John Goddard so much.

Jack Canfield and James Arthur Ray added to the Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame

I’m pleased to announce the additions of self-improvement experts James Arthur Ray and Jack Canfield to our Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame. You may recognize both James Arthur Ray and Jack Canfield as both were featured in the movie, The Secret. Jack Canfield is also well known as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series of books.

That’s all for now… and remember … It’s your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds

Be The Success You Were Created to Be by Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - success expertLet’s play a little game…

I want you to picture in your mind a rich person. Right now, in your mind, picture a rich person. Do you see a rich person? Describe the rich person.

Now, in your mind I want you to picture a second rich person. Do you see this rich person? Notice both of these people. Notice two rich people. Describe what
you see.

And finally, I want you to picture a third rich person. Picture all three rich people in your mind. Describe what you see. What are the characteristics of these people? What do they look like? Act like? What do you notice about these three rich people?

Create That Winning Feeling By Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor - motivational speaker, author, coachI believe we would all agree that having a winning feeling is prerequisite to achieving outstanding results. A person can’t possibly expect to win if they’re constantly focusing on failure!

The real secret here is to capture that winning feeling of success as often as you can to create the environment necessary to succeed.

If you’ve been a little down in the dumps, feeling insecure or perhaps not feeling as confident in your ability as you’d like, I have a great tip for you. My suggestion to anyone looking for a success track to run on, or to a person who is looking to get back on one, is to start capitalizing on short-term victories.

Just what is an affirmation? By Paul J. Meyer

Paul J. MeyerThe word “affirmation” is often misunderstood… and therefore, greatly neglected.

It is vitally important to know, and review if necessary, the ingredients of successful affirmations.

An affirmation is this:
A positive declaration stated in the first person and in the present tense that describes specifically what you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to have, and/or how you want to live your life.

To better understand — and thus apply — affirmations, look at each ingredient:

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