Author name: Josh Hinds

The Power of Positive Habits By Dan Robey

Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?

Let me ask you a question. When is the last time you made a conscious decision to add a new habit to your life? If you are like most people you probably answered…never!

The reason for this is that most people only think of habits as something bad.

If you ask ten people on the street what the word habit means, nine out of ten will tell you that a habit is a negative action that people do over and over again, like smoking, or procrastinating, or eating too much. But the truth is that positive habits hold the keys to success in virtually everything you do. What are positive habits you ask.

The 11th Element: Why the First Ten Elements Don’t Work Without It By Robert Scheinfeld

Why do we need another element for business success? Dozens of books have been written outlining the ten traditional elements, those very real but sometimes difficult to verbalize components the experts say are part of any successful venture. While these have nothing to do with capitalization, expenditures, cost of goods, sales, marketing or team-building, they certainly can be important.

The ten elements I’m talking about are desire, belief, the law of attraction, goal setting, modeling, creating  clear and detailed plans, taking massive action now, persistence, visualization, and affirmations. But they’re all missing the one ingredient that’s absolutely essential for the creation of business success and wealth-the 11th Element that, when managed correctly, virtually guarantees success.

4 Little Known Secrets of Meditation, Energy and Manifestation By Matt Clarkson

Secret #1: The True Purpose of Meditation

Many people feel a sense of fascination when confronted with the possibility of mystic visions, psychic intuition and heightened mental functioning. While meditators often report these sorts of improvements, these experiences should not be the primary reason for practice. The purpose of meditation is to bring us back to ourselves.

As we become healthier, happier and realize greater self-awareness, the other benefits of meditation begin to follow naturally — improved mental functioning, greater intuition as well as greater access to unconscious resources and abilities.

Secret #2: Distraction Does Not Equal Failure

Just Five Minutes Longer By John Harricharan

John HarricharanThe story has been told and retold countless times about the battle of Waterloo. Poems have been written and songs have been composed detailing every conceivable aspect about it. The English tell it one way and the French share it from a slightly different point of view.

History and legend has it that after Napoleon Bonaparte’s army was defeated and the Duke of Wellington prevailed over the French, Napoleon was taken away and imprisoned. One day a group of newspaper reporters came to visit. They had obtained permission to hold an interview with the famous French general Napoleon Bonaparte.

Accepting Yourself Unconditionally by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - Motivational Speaker & AuthorHow Are You Treated By Others?
Self-acceptance begins in infancy, with the influence of your parents and siblings and other important people.

Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life.

Your attitude toward yourself is determined largely by the attitudes that you think other people have toward you.

When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance and self-esteem goes straight up.

The best way to build a healthy personality involves understanding yourself and your feelings.

It All Begins With Your Attitude By Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor - Author and SpeakerVictor Frankl once wrote, “Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.

Wealth Creation Tip: Money Is Not The Goal By Bob Proctor

Bob ProctorOne of the key concepts to creating wealth is to understand that money is not the goal. That’s right, I said, money is not the goal.

Frequently people will tell me that they want to make money. However, I know it is not money they are really after. It is the things that money can buy and the freedom of time to do what they really want. While you may think this is an insignificant difference, it is actually the reason so many people never become wealthy.

Living by the Golden Dozen By Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins, Author and Sales TrainerHere’s the best way I’ve ever found to pull the best performance out of yourself. It’s an extremely simple method. Not easy, simple. First, hang copies of these twelve words where you’ll see them at work, in your car, and at your home base:


Now comes the important part:

Dedicate yourself to living that declaration.

It doesn’t change anything to look at those words once in a while and think, “That’s what I’m going to start doing just as soon as I can get myself together.” If you really want to achieve, start living by those dozen words now.

How To Get More Work Done In A Day By Zig Ziglar

Zig ZiglarHow do you achieve employment security in a world where there is no employment security? I start with a question: Do you consider yourself to be honest and at least reasonably intelligent? Okay. As an honest, intelligent person, do you, as a general rule, get about twice as much work done on the day before you go on vacation as you normally get done?

Now I am going to ask you a long question, so stay with me all the way through. If we can figure out why and learn how and repeat it every day without working any longer or any harder, does it make sense that we will be more valuable to ourselves, our company, our family and our community? The answer is “Yes.”

How to Motivate Yourself When You are Completely Up Against It!

I have read many books on motivation. Been to a lot of presentations, speeches and lectures. They help. They really do. I encourage everyone to do the same because it helps you when you need it and when you don’t. You’ll find things that work for you to help you get the most out of yourself. In addition, you will also need to find what really, really, really works for you when you really, really, really need it. And not when it’s too late. Let me explain…

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