Author name: Josh Hinds

How To Rate Your Clients And Win By Nido Qubein

It’s hard to build the right kind of business with the wrong clientele.

Maybe you’re like many salespeople I know who are unhappy with their present client base, but who don’t know how to change the situation. They’d like to upgrade, but they’re not sure what upgrading means for them. They’d like clients who are more profitable to serve, but they’re not sure what kind of clients that would be. They want to attract steadier clients but they don’t know how to go about it.

Happiness as a Priority By Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson, Author of Don't Sweat the Small StuffIt’s always been interesting to me that the average person (go ahead and ask them), spends ten times (or more) the amount of time watching television than he or she does even considering happiness.

In fact, in one pole that I conducted, not a single person out of more than 30 people admitted to spending even one second thinking about how they might go about becoming happier!

17 Words That Changed My Life Forever! By Jerry Clark

I remember several years back I heard something that changed my life forever. Up until that point I had been struggling through life – doing everything the hard way. I couldn’t figure out why my life wasn’t going the way I felt it should be.

I saw some people going through life effortlessly and seemingly with less tension and frustration while I was wondering if I could ever straighten out the mess my life had turned out to be. I was behind on my dreams, my promises, and my bills.

The Great Challenge of Life By Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn - Speaker and AuthorHere’s the great challenge of life – You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are.

I have found that income seldom will exceed your own personal development. Once in a while income takes a lucky jump, but unless you grow out to where it is it will go back to where you are.

Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world and divided it among everyone equally, it would soon be back in the same pockets. However, you can have more because you can become more.

“I Am A Habit” By John Di Lemme

H-A-B-I-T…When 95% of people hear this word, a negative thought pops up in their minds. Typically, most people think of a habit being negative. The secret to your future lies in your daily habits so ask yourself right now, “Are my habits today going to help me achieve my WHY in life?” This is a life-empowering question if you truly ask it and listen for the answer.

I received the following excerpt from a very dear friend of mine and felt that it is definitely the best explanation of a habit that I have ever heard:

5 Rules for Being a Great Leader – Here’s the Short List

A very smart man recently told me that being a leader is not about the position or role, but about the action and goal. Great ones set out to make a difference, to inspire greatness in others, and to eventually create more leaders. They show rather than tell. They give credit and take responsibility.

These are the 5 things that great leaders do differently.

1. Let Go of Control

Believe it or not, great leaders understand that not everything is in their power. They also know and accept that their knowledge is limited. Even when it comes to tough decisions, the best ones realize that delegating responsibility and empowering others to learn is the smartest trick in the CEO book.

The 4 Habits You Need to Develop to Turn Your Whole Life Around

Mother and child walking on a beach at sunsetIf you take your time to study the habits and mindset of successful people, you’ll find many similarities. That’s because success all comes down to doing the right set of actions on a daily basis.

Finding out what these are and developing the behaviors to make them a permanent part of your life will make all the difference for you.

If you feel lost, stuck or lack the motivation as you haven’t seen progress in a long time, read on. You’ll now see the only 4 things you should work on, that will have a positive effect on any other area of your life and thus contribute to your overall success.

How Entrepreneurs Can Expand Their Reach With Their Own Book

As the founder of a publishing company focused specifically on serving high achievers, I see the same problem over and over.

When a top performer decides they want to write a book (or do anything else, for that matter), their goal is to be the best. They end up focusing on selling as many books as they can, and that leads them off track.

But the smartest leaders we work with have a different goal: use the book to get attention.

The Subtlety Of Language By Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn - Speaker and AuthorI have found that sometimes the subtle difference in our attitude, which of course can make a major difference in our future, can be as simple as the language we use.

The difference in even how you talk to yourself or others. Consciously making a decision to quit saying what you don’t want and to start saying what you do want. I call that faith. Believing the best, hoping for the best and moving toward the best.

The Number One Ingredient For Great Success: Commitment

“Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality” — Abraham Lincoln

There is a ton of advice out there on how to achieve success, but little is said about the great impact commitment will make on your life. It’s the number one thing you must get down before doing anything else, without commitment your odds on success will decrease drastically.

Being passionate isn’t enough

Bill Gates has a great passion for computers and software. Michael Jordan is extremely passionate about basketball. Stephen King’s passion is writing.

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