Business Success

Our business success library is packed with the strategies needed to succeed. Whether you are on a corporate career path or navigating the entrepreneurial journey, you will find the professional development advice you need to excel from trusted business speakers and authors, executive coaches, and experts who have a proven track record of helping others experience professional success.

Yes We Are All Snowflakes But …

We are all snowflakes but ...Lewis Black, in his HBO special, Black on Broadway, sarcastically remarked, “We are all snowflakes,” making the point that as human beings, we are all different, much as snowflakes reveal unique differentiations under microscopic examination.

While this is indisputable, the fact remains that although we are unique, we share many traits in common with others in the human family and this becomes evident when you begin looking into the common attributes of successful entrepreneurs.

As the CEO, and something of a serial entrepreneur myself, I can attest to the fact that the attributes I am about to share with you are common to every entrepreneur I have ever known.

Success Lesson: Beware the Victimization Trap By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorAs every straight-thinking adult knows, a faulty belief system — i.e., a belief system based on false premises — leads to bad consequences. Perhaps the best example of this is a person who is caught up in the Victimization Trap.

It’s a trap that mentally paralyzes the afflicted person, because he comes to believe the deck has been stacked against him. Such a misguided individual tends to see himself as a helpless victim of an unjust world, which has the effect of removing the incentive to try to improve his life.

Success Is Never Owned; It’s Only Rented, And You Pay On It Daily

Rory VadenThis summer I had the esteemed privilege of being a keynote speaker in front of 8000 of the world’s top financial professionals at The Million Dollar Roundtable. Recently someone asked me, “Rory, aren’t you intimidated talking in front of people of that caliber?” My response, “Absolutely not.”


Because contrary to what you might think, it’s not successful people that are too good to learn anything – they got to where they are by being a student of the game. Quite the contrary, it’s the marginal producers of the world who are typically cynical, inconvincible skeptics. It’s the mediocre performers, the average among the masses, the naysayers and the un-excellent that are the ones who often think they know it all.

What Successful People Have But You Don’t – And How to Fix That

Timo KianderYou are very excited, as you have just decided to achieve your long-time dream to run your first marathon. You also decided that you want to reach this goal yourself and without any help.

As you start planning your exercising routine, you are pumped with energy: “I’m going to crush that race” you think to yourself.

However, at some point you hit the plateau and can’t seem to make any progress. In fact, you have to slow down your exercising, because there have been some issues with your right foot.

Four Ways To Enter The New Year At A Full Gallop

Wouldn’t it be easy to just “call it a year”? I mean, after all, with only one month to go, and all of the holiday treats, parties, and distractions, wouldn’t it be nice to just kind of coast the month of December and lazily slide into 2014?

You’ve worked hard all year and you “deserve a holiday break” right?

That’s EXACTLY what your competition is hoping you’ll do! They know that while you are letting your momentum wain, they will be attacking the year end and hitting 2014 in full tilt. By the time you get things going again in mid January, they will be so far out in front, that you’ll spend all of 2014 eating their dust! Not “But Corey, December seems like such a ‘mess’! How do I stay organized, keep my momentum, and yet still enjoy the holidays?”

How to Become a Better Influencer

Influencers - Steve Jobs and Bill GatesIf you haven’t already figured it out by now, influence can be a pretty powerful thing. Being influential is closely linked to greater career opportunities, wealth and success.

With influence, you can motivate employees, earn donations to charities, and become a respected leader in your community or industry!  The important thing to keep in mind, however, is that you don’t become an influencer over night.  It’s a process that takes time, but if you start using the crucial strategies listed below with persistence and discipline, you can become a person of influence:

  1. Focus

Success Lessons: The Power of Trust in Business

Sooner or later every executive realizes that 99 percent of the people she depends on for success don’t report to her. The success of every CEO depends far more on vendors, stockholders, board members, regulators, politicians, strategic partners, the financial community, the media, and customers than it does on the relatively small number of paid employees that report to her either directly or indirectly.

So You Wanna Be an Overnight Success in Your Business?

Jim Rohrbach“If it were EASY to start up a successful new business, then everybody’d be doin’ it, and then it would be worth the equivalent of flippin’ burgers at your local McDonalds — a minimum wage job.” — Jim Rohrbach

OK — all you beginning business owners out there — don’t you wish someone would tell you the TRUTH about what it takes to start up and run a successful business?  I mean, the real dirt, not the hackneyed sayings from the motivational speaker cheerleaders:   “Just do it!” “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”  “The sky’s the limit!”  What happens when you’re a couple of years into it and  the sky is falling?

Success Tip: Effective Calendar Management Tips

Michelle PrinceThere are many articles on effective calendar management available. Here are some highlights that may help you plan your time more effectively.

1 – Plan Your Day

Before you even leave your office/desk and the end of your day take a few minutes to schedule your time for tomorrow. Remember to block out time for meals and exercise.

2 – Meetings

If you have a commitment to regular business meetings or family activities schedule them throughout the year at one setting. You can then plan your time around them.

3 – Travel

Success Lesson: Playing Games Can Elevate Your Life

Early Jackson - motivational speaker & authorUnless you’ve been under a rock or completely unconscious, you know how popular games and the gaming industry has become over the last 10 years. A multi-billion dollar industry, gaming, has impacted everything from foreign policy to the sports world. The impact on games and training in the military has even changed the way we fight wars. And if you have children, you know what it does to kids whenever they are sent to their rooms to clean. The reality is, even if you don’t like them, video games have come and aren’t going anywhere.

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