
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

11 Strategies To Expand Your Life In a Powerful Way

1. Define your future.

Describe the life you’d like to live. The future you see defines the person you’ll need to be. Identify the traits and qualities you’d like to acquire. Think bigger than yourself. An acorn that only thinks as an acorn will never become a mighty oak. Stretch yourself. You are undoubtedly capable of more than you ever dreamed is possible for you.

2. Become the person who would achieve your goals.

As you develop the skills, knowledge, relationships and demeanor of the “future you,” your goals will be the natural by-product of your growth. Spend an extra hour each day in the study of your chosen field.

Why working backwards is the best way to reach your goals

Reach your goalsWhen you are first working towards a dream or goal, the first flurries of excitement can result in getting loads done, but there can tend to be a lack of structure to your path. 

After the excitement has died down the sheer task can seem so daunting and so far away that sometimes it’s easy to give up even before we even get started.  With a bit of planning your dream can get that structure so that you can achieve it more easily.

Plan Your Year In Advance By Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - motivational speaker and authorIt’s that time again: time to create a plan that improve your life, whether they help you become a better person or experience greater levels of success. What if I told you I could show you a proven method for following through on your plan – this year, and every year?

The starting point of setting goals for the coming year is for you to project forward and think back. Practice what we call “Back from the Future” thinking. Project forward to the end of the next twelve months and ask yourself, “If everything happens perfectly, what will it look like?”

Make the Impossible Your New Normal

Scott Dinsmore - Live Your Legend FounderIn this life, it’s pretty easy to keep moving ahead, following the crowd and taking advice that makes everyone else comfortable.

– Go to a good school.
– Graduate, then get a good job.
– Take any job that looks great on your resume. You can have fun later.

I listened to all this advice, and I even followed it for a while after I graduated from university. But then, just a couple of months into a “great” job with a Fortune 500 company, I woke up.

You Are More Amazing Than You Realize

Joseph BernardYou have within you nearly infinite resources. I thought it might be helpful to remind you about all the on-board assets you have working for you.

You have a body, mind, heart and soul built to create the life you want. Your body can go and go. Your mind can keep expanding. Your heart is unlimited in its capacity to love and give. Your soul carries the keys to all the wisdom and understanding available in the Universe.

Let’s take a look at each of these four aspects of who you are and the potential you have waiting for you to be explored and expressed.

Credibility and Qualifications: 5 Questions to Ask Before Enrolling in Traditional Education

Perhaps one of the greatest dilemmas for anyone stepping out to start a new venture concerns whether or not to enroll in any traditional / institutional / formal education. Whether it is the possibility of engaging in a business degree, a journalism degree, a psychology degree, or any further graduate studies, what makes the decision challenging is that there is indeed a large element of credibility that comes with having a diploma.

For better or worse, people make many immediate assumptions based upon what appears on a resume. The million dollar question then, is whether or not the time and energy invested will really be worthwhile?

Your Decisions Matter – Start Making Empowering Choices

Darren Hardy - motivational expert and authorWe all come into this world the same: naked, scared, and ignorant. After that grand entrance, the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Our choices can be our best friend or our worst enemy. They can deliver us to our goals or send us orbiting into a galaxy far, far away.

Think about it. Everything in your life exists because you first made a choice about something. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. Choose poorly, and you just might find yourself back at the drawing board, forced to make new, often harder choices. Don’t choose at all, and you’ve made the choice to be the passive receiver of whatever comes your way.

Learn Something New! Get Your New Year On Track

Are you suffering from a New Year’s hangover?

I am not talking about the sluggish state you may have found yourself in between New Year’s Eve parties and college bowl games. I am talking about all the reflecting and goal setting and affirming you may have poured into making this your best year ever.

I don’t mean to slight the seasonal tradition. It’s just that the process can be a bit overwhelming.

You might find yourself with so many goals that you don’t know where to begin. You could find yourself feeling incredible pressure or even numb.

Success Lesson: Learning from the Older Generation

How many times does the average adult play the age card on their children? And then, how many children immediately refute any unwelcome advice with a comment of their own about old age, senility, or something else that is age-related?

It is an age-old scenario, and it seems that, even if there is mutual respect between generations, there will always be at least some kind of discord between each age group. However, each one of us would benefit from paying close attention to the advice of our elders.

Live a Life of Integrity, And Give The Gift That Keeps on Giving

“The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example.” — Thomas Morrell, Librettist

We have all heard or can appreciate these statements:

* “It is not what you say, it is what you do.”

* “Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you are trying to say.”

* “People hear what they see.”

Although the holidays are now behind us, there is still one “gift” we get to give daily: our example. And, there is one specific focus that can lead to demonstrating a powerful living example: Integrity.

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