
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

The Power of Everyday Gurus

Rob White - Inspirational authorOver the past several years I’ve become mindful of many ways that life supports us to expand and develop into something more than we imagined was possible in the days, weeks and months before. One way that life does this, which so many neglect to notice, is by sending us everyday gurus with something valuable to offer.

There are interesting people of all ages, not necessarily famous people, or rich or highly successful people, but very ordinary people that offer wonderful opportunities for us to learn something new about life and ourselves.

How to Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick

Brendan BakerAs we now get further into the year I want to check in and ask how are you tracking against your New Year resolutions?

The turn of the New Year is the single most important time to reflect on your life. In fact, we all naturally do it. We do it because it’s one of the only milestones that continue to remind us of the importance of time. It forces us to reflect on our achievements and re-evaluate our future.

Train Your Brain To Attract What You Want With The Reticular Activating System

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expertYou have an amazing “system” in your brain called “The reticular activating system” (RAS). The RAS is a part of the mammalian brain located in the brain stem.

You may be saying, “So what, Lisa!”

Well, this powerful gift can work for you in your desire to create success… (it can also work against you!)

The most important function of the RAS is its control of consciousness; it is believed to control the ability to consciously focus attention on something. Your RAS works as a phenomenal filtering system.

How to Stop Analyzing Life and Start Living Life

Read the news. Go on LinkedIn, Facebook or see a Tweet. We notice uncertainty and chaos everywhere. In our job, in our career and in our life. We think about the future and our mind ‘cannot compute’. We consider the possibilities ahead and because of all the negativity in the air, we see only a bleak path in front of us.

We look for more information to help guide us to a better job, a more fulfilling pursuit or a powerful purpose. But we can’t seem to find one. So we freeze. We get stuck in our job, our career and in our life.

The Power Of Self-Belief

Self-Belief, man climbing a mountainSelf-belief is a key component in leading a successful life. Self-belief does not mean arrogance or blindness to one’s own shortcomings, neither does it mean believing that you are perfect, as nobody is perfect. Self-belief means that you need to focus on your strengths and visualize what you want to become. For you to understand the power of self-belief you need to understand your weaknesses and overcome them without being anxious about them.

3 Ways to Avoid Procrastination

What’s the opposite of motivation? Some might say laziness, but to be honest, the most common killer of staying on-task is, well, falling off-task. In other words, the best way to stay motivated is to avoid procrastination. In today’s world of fingertip-ready entertainment and by-the-second interaction, it’s easier than ever before to wander away from your to-do list (virtually speaking, of course). So we threw together a few tips for when you feel that Facebook newsfeed calling your name.

1. Freedom

You Are Never Too Old to Pursue Your Dream By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorWhen it comes to having the courage to make a major change in one’s life, my memory takes me back many years ago to a chance meeting in Palm Springs, California, where a friend and I happened to stop in at a hotel lounge one evening.

Without fanfare, the act for the lounge was introduced — a stunningly beautiful female singer (“Dionne”). She bore a striking resemblance to the legendary Lena Horne, and carried herself with the style and grace of royalty.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road — or what is a Life Path and how do I Find it?

What does it mean to follow your path? Is a path like cutting a swath through a hot dangerous jungle with a machete or is it a civilized stroll along some scenic route that is pleasant and easy and fun? . Perhaps a life path it’s something only spiritual people talk about. Or maybe what you do for a living is your path? Does it feel like it’s not very realistic to follow your path, or that only rich people or creative geniuses follow a path?

Escaping the State of Waking Dreams By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorReality is an issue that people tend to get very emotional about. The problem is that reality is nothing more than truth, and as Baltasar Gracian, the insightful and pragmatic 17th century Jesuit priest, cautioned, “Truth is abhorred by the masses.” Instead, they try to make true that which they love — a self-delusive practice that virtually guarantees frustration and failure.

Unfortunately, most people live in an unreal world; i.e., they create a world in their own minds based on the way they would like it to be rather than the way it actually is. They seem to have adopted the philosophy of Ashleigh Brilliant, who once remarked, “I have abandoned the search for truth, and am now looking for a good fantasy.”

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