
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

Optimists and Pessimists By Jim Stovall

I will freely admit to being an optimist. I believe the glass is always half full with refills on the way.

My friend and mentor, Zig Ziglar, is fond of saying, “I’m willing to go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take the tartar sauce with me.”

Being an optimist does not mean you are oblivious to the world around you. I realize there are many geopolitical and economic forces in play that make the future uncertain. The reality is that the future has always been uncertain, but this does not justify pessimism. I believe that no one is smart enough to be a pessimist.

Success Lesson: Four Pointers for Kicking Your Life into High Gear By Chris Widener

Chris WidenerBut first… A secret key to understanding success.

Secret Key: Success isn’t just doing certain things, though we will certainly do certain things to become a certain kind of person. What kind of person you are is what determines your success in life. Yes, you can do right things and achieve a certain level of success, but not the kind of success I am talking about – true life success.

So what are my four tips? Here the are:

1. Become a person of Vision…

Motivation Lesson – Dealing with Your Handicaps By Robert Ringer

Robert Ringer - speaker & authorA healthy perspective has allowed me to view so-called physical handicaps in a different light since my daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a relatively young age. Like most parents confronted with the illness of a child, I went through the usual stages of denial, anger, and despair.

However, as the years passed, I increasingly focused on how lucky my daughter was that she did not have the chronic-progressive type of multiple sclerosis. People with the latter form of the disease deteriorate rather quickly and usually become confined to a wheelchair early on. My daughter, who is attractive, intelligent, and personable, has been able to lead a relatively normal life, raise two children, and continue on a successful career path.

Reaping a Multiple Reward by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn motivational speaker, authorFor every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards. That’s one of life’s great arrangements. In fact, it’s an extension of the Biblical law that says that if you sow well, you will reap well.

Here’s a unique part of the Law of Sowing and Reaping. Not only does it suggest that we’ll all reap what we’ve sown, it also suggests that we’ll reap much more. Life is full of laws that both govern and explain behaviors, but this may well be the major law we need to understand: for every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards.

Everything Counts By Jim Stovall

jim stovall I’m a firm believer in the concept that we never do anything, good or bad, that we don’t get paid for. Some of the good things you may do may not be immediately or obviously rewarded, but I believe they will be; and if someone does something bad, it may seem—in the short term—that they’re getting away with it, but consequences are a universal law.

Act as if someone is always watching….

Everything we do matters in the grand scheme of things. There are some things that seem more critical than others, but if we will step back and examine it, we will realize that the crisis comes from our performance not external factors.

Detach From The Outcome By Corey Jahnke

The guy says: “Hey, I’m doing my job! Why should I go the extra mile with customers? What has THE COMPANY done for me lately?”

I feel so bad for the guy. I know him personally. I have watched him and hundreds of people like him all throughout my 25 year career as a retail pharmacist. He sees everything in life as a quid pro quo equation. “I’ll only do for you if you do for me!” “Pay it forward? Baah!”

Shut Up And Listen! A Secret for Succeeding in Business By Beau Henderson

Beau HendersonThe secret to building your client base & the success of your business

As a professional, an entrepreneur, or a small business owner, how do you become the go-to person in your field? The one most respected, trusted, and, ultimately, the one making the most money?

The principals of prosperity economics teach that one person’s success does not need to be achieved at the expense of another’s.

This goes against what most of us have been taught – that in order for me to win, you must lose. Often times, the “losers” are the very people whom we are trying to reach, either for sales opportunities or as potential clients, yet we are taught to treat them as a means to an end.

How to Supercharge Your Life In 7 Steps By Corey Jahnke

Tracy was one of the healthiest people I knew.  She was full of fire and vinegar!  She warmed your heart with her vigor and energy.  She was in fantastic shape and it showed in every interaction you had with her.  Her smile was captivating.  She was simply a joy to be around.  I saw her on a Tuesday and shared a brief, seemingly insignificant moment.

On Saturday she was in a war for her life.  Somehow, some way, she developed a case of sepsis and in a matter of a few hours she was on life support and a positive outcome appeared hopeless.

What Am I Doing Wrong? By Ron White

A few years ago, I called a special meeting. I went to my staff, and I told them that the next day at 1:00 we were going to have a special meeting. The topic of the meeting was going to be all the areas that I, as their boss, could improve upon. One of my employees stood up and said, “OK, right now?”

I replied, “No, we will do this tomorrow at 1:00.” She said very matter of fact, “Oh… I am ready now.” I smiled and told her that I wanted her to at least pretend that it would take her 24 hours to think of how I could improve!

With No Promise of Seeing Tomorrow By James McPartland

The Most Important Lesson

No matter what obstacles life inevitably throws in your way, the most important lesson to respect is that of
perseverance. Do everything in your power to incorporate this into your life and…

– Never stop running down your dreams.

– Never stop giving everything you’ve got.

– Never stop growing as a human being.

– Never stop creating.

– Never stop nurturing relationships.

– Never stop loving.

– ALWAYS make the most vivid memories possible

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