
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

Never Me-ject Yourself! By Joe Tye

Joe Tye - motivational speaker and authorMe-jection: Giving in to the fear of rejection by rejecting yourself before you even ask for what you want or need.

Me-jection is a number one cause of failure and unhappiness.

It is why salespeople don’t meet their sales goals – they don’t make the necessary calls because they hear the word “No” so concretely in their imaginations it paralyzes them from picking up the phone or knocking on the door.

It is why would-be authors stare at blank yellow pads year after year, never getting around to writing the books that are burning in their souls – they can already see the stack of rejection letters before they’ve written down the first word.

Giving and Receiving by Jim Stovall

Giving is the most misunderstood and complicated interaction that we face. Whether it’s giving our time, our effort, or our money, it’s hard to do the right thing for the right reason. There are certainly many needs in our own communities and around the world. We need to take some responsibility to find the appropriate place where we can make a true difference for other people.

At the same time, we each have a need to become a giver. This is the complicated part of the formula because it requires us to fulfill a need in our own life while addressing the needs of other people.

Live Your Passion and Make More Money: Become a Cre8tor By Robert Pagliarini

Robert PagliariniYour financial life has a certain trajectory, similar to a train on a track. There will be twists and turns, but you can easily determine where you will end up if you stay on the financial track you’re currently on. What if the traditional methods of working hard, cutting expenses, and saving don’t work for you?

Brown bagging it every day won’t cause you to jump tracks and end up somewhere completely different. The guy living in the mansion overlooking the ocean didn’t buy that house by clipping coupons, and the chick passing you in a $400,000 Maybach didn’t get that way by eliminating her morning latte. For most of us, the gap between where we are and where want to be is so wide that we’ll never be able to close it by following traditional financial advice.

Positive Words Create Positive Actions By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerIn our society today we tend to accentuate the negatives instead of the positives. One example is the “alarm clock” we use to wake ourselves up in the morning.

Realistically, when we hear an alarm it generates fear or anxiety. When somebody robs a bank, an alarm is sounded; when there’s a fire, someone sounds an alarm. Perhaps waking up to an alarm helps explain the profusion of negative words we use.

Achievement in Steps? By Chris Widener

Chris WidenerSince this is a time of adjustment for me and a time for me to renew my dreams of what I want to accomplish in life and business, I want to share a few thoughts on achieving your dreams.

It is never too late to dream or renew your dream for a better life. The real question though, is how do we achieve a dream? Well, here are some thought that will help you answer that question!

Six Ways To Make People Like You By Ty Bennett

Ty BennettWhen it comes to books about networking, building relationships and working with people, the undisputed classic is “How To Win Friends and Influence People.” Dale Carnegie wrote the book in 1936 and it has been read by millions of people since.

One of the great realizations in the book is that although some people are more extroverted or affable, working with people is a learned skill that anyone can master.

In the second section of the book, Carnegie offers what he calls “Six Ways To Make People Like You.” These are simple suggestions that can make a huge difference in the way you work with people.

How Do You Develop Charisma? By Ty Bennett

Ty BennettI met Kenton Worthington seven years ago. He’s one of the most successful young entrepreneurs I know.

I remember coming home the day we were introduced and telling my wife I’d just met one of the most charismatic people I’d ever known. She said what does that mean? And I sat there trying to figure out what charismatic meant. Why would I describe him as charismatic?

Don’t Let Conflict Keep You From Success by Chris Widener

Chris WidenerAnytime you are making ground and moving toward success, there will inevitably be the opportunity for conflict. That is just a fact of life. You put two people or more in a group and there is potential for conflict – and conflict, improperly handled, can destroy your ability to continue on and achieve your goals.

This is true in many areas of life, from the boardroom to the schoolroom. It can happen in marriage and it can happen between friends and business associates. And when conflict goes bad, success doesn’t happen.

The Seven C’s Of Success by Chris Widener

Chris WidenerGet ready to sail the Seven C’s – the Seven C’s of Success that is. Learn to navigate your ship of destiny in these seven “C’s” if you want to be a total success. Here they are, in alphabetical order:

1. Caring – I believe that to be a true success in this world we must have a bigger vision than simply accomplishing a goal for ourselves or simply lining our own pockets. I believe that successful people have a deep care for others. Yes, they are aggressive, but they are not aggressive to the point that they run roughshod over others.

The 5 Step Formula for Ending Resistance! By Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expertWhere are you “making it hard” to create success? Can you identify the struggle? What are your beliefs about work?

We have sayings like, “She works like a dog.” “He’s a workhorse.” “They work like a machine”…

We watch someone rush into the coffee shop holding a briefcase, talking on their cell phone and barking their order to the Barista and we think, “That person’s successful.”

Ha! We have it all wrong!

We have conversations about the joy of retirement and design our entire career around “the day I retire”. Hmmmmm….