
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

Balancing the Scales by Jim Stovall

Complaints have become an epidemic in our world today. Complaining is the latest and most popular full-contact sport in our society. Unfortunately, when you constantly and aggressively complain about poor performance and bad service, your verbal assaults and admonishments often fall on deaf ears.

This is a result of the scales being out of balance. Your complaints are piled on top of everyone else’s complaints, creating a constant stream of complaint-filled conversation.

The people with hotels, restaurants, airlines, and all manner of businesses that hear these complaints are not able to distinguish them from all the other noise around them, because this is all they ever hear. Too often, we feel pre-programmed to catch people doing something wrong and tell them all about it.

Resolving Conflict by Les Brown

Les Brown - motivational speaker and authorI’ve done a lot of research on the topic of conflict resolution in recent months, and here are a few tips I’ve come up with for resolving conflict in your workplace and professional life:

– Don’t be afraid of conflict. Too many of us become agitated when we encounter conflict or disagreement out of concern and fear. It’s odd when you think about it, because conflict is a part of nature, a part of life.

Unless you are a hermit, odds are that conflict is inescapable. And so, you need to approach conflict calmly, as an expected part of dealing with others. Consider conflict a way of learning to see things more clearly.

Being A Difference Maker By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar - motivational speakerDr. John Maxwell of San Diego, California, says that the average person influences 10,000 people – either for good or bad – in the course of a lifetime.  That means all of us are difference-makers.

Miss Amy Whittington would certainly qualify as one who directly and indirectly influenced thousands of people. At age 83 she was still teaching a Sunday school class in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. She learned that the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago was offering a seminar to teach people how to be more effective teachers.  She literally saved her pennies until she had the necessary money to buy a bus ticket.  She rode the bus all night to attend the seminar to learn new methods and procedures so she could do a better job.

Total Success is Determined by Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions By Dr. Joe Capista

Many people say they want success, yet they are not willing to do what it takes to achieve their desired outcome. I am a believer in Total Success. Total Success requires more then a successful business and a great income. Total Success is about having a balanced life, giving back and enjoying what you do.

In order to achieve Total Success there are specific thoughts and beliefs you must have. There are also certain actions you must take.

Success in anything goes beyond the obvious. Although you need a certain amount of skill and knowledge, your successes will come from the way you think, feel and act, coupled with intense emotion and a steadfast belief in “self.”

The “Best” Test by Chris Widener

Chris Widener - motivational speaker and authorSome time ago, I spoke to a group of salespeople in Kansas City as they kicked off their new team. It was exciting to see them get excited about making a difference through their work.

The topic they assigned me was “Simply the Best.” So as I prepared, I asked myself, “What characteristics would help someone pass the “Best” test? That is, what are the characteristics of those who become the “best” at what they do? Here are the thoughts I shared with them:

Turn Up the Volume on Your Visionary

Marcia Wieder - success coachDo you ever feel like there are parts of you saying yes, while other parts are holding you back? There is a cast of characters that live inside of us all and at different times we may be run by one voice over another.

The key question here is this. If you are committed to being successful, how can you put your dreamer and visionary at the helm, on a day-to-day basis? If you can turn the volume up on the voice of the dreamer, and the volume down on the voice of the doubter, you will create more opportunities for greater success with greater ease.

Count Dracula Is Sucking The Life Out Of Your Success

Michael Cheney - personal development expertThis is a classic momentum-killer that you will have used, just like me, on numerous occasions. The first step to recognizing and solving a problem is to own up to it right?

Have you ever seen the kids’ TV program Sesame Street? There’s a character on there called The Count. He’s like Count Dracula and he..well, he counts. “1 – 2 – 3 ha ha ha!”

What’s so wrong with counting you say?

Nothing. Nothing unless it is killing your momentum and stopping you getting what you want from life. Which it often does.

Abandonment Is Tremendous By Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Charlie Tremendous JonesThere just isn’t time to do all you want to do and all that you need do. It is easy for us to teach abandonment to others, but the leader knows the price of abandonment, beginning with his own thought processes.

What do you think about? Let’s go a step further, what do you talk about? Someone once said that little people talk about things, medium sized people talk about people, and big people talk about ideas. Which kind of people do you like to be around?

Silent Messages: Your Intellectual Image By Tony Alessandra

Tony AlessandraOne major aspect of your personal image comes from how well you’ve developed what’s inside your skull. I’m not talking about a high IQ or your skill at Trivial Pursuit. I’m referring to your mental fitness.

Can your mind lift abstract concepts from The Wall Street Journal or from the professional journal in your field? Can you grasp the intricacies of a problem explained by an expert from another field? Can you hang in there when getting an issue settled is going to mean clearing seven committees and the CEO?

Definitely Directed Thought by Vic Johnson

Vic Johnson - motivational speaker“All achievements, whether in the business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely directed thought.” – As A Man Thinketh

How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their life. I would expand that expression by adding that most people spend more time “thinking” about their vacation than they do thinking about what’s important in their life.

The power of “definitely directed thought” (the power of purpose) is why I love the story of John Goddard so much.

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