
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

You Don’t Have To Know Everything Before You Start Doing Something

Margie Warrell - Inspirational Author and SpeakerNothing stifles our success more than the pressure we put on ourselves to do things perfectly, and avoid the possibility of falling short in the attempt.

We live in a culture that celebrates perfectionism even as it censures it. Every time we pick up a magazine or turn on the TV, we feel pressure to have perfect homes, perfect bodies, perfect children, perfect lives. And too often we want to feel like we have to do something perfectly before we attempt to do it at all. Nothing stifles our success more than the pressure we put on ourselves to do things perfectly, and to avoid the possibility of falling short in the attempt.

The 8 Principles of Success

Principles of SuccessSuccess isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” — Arnold H. Glasow

Most people talk about success so much that they rarely have any time to practice it.

They try to develop strategies, learn all about it, try to prepare and plan all outcomes, to analyze how others succeeded, etc.

And eventually they start worrying about what might happen, remind themselves of their past failures and put too much effort into thinking how not to let that happen again.

And in the end, they fear success, they think it’s too hard, too far away. It starts to look impossible.

Busy is Better – Focus on the Priorities and the Possibilities

When I was a young person, one of my mentors told me, “If you want to get something done, ask someone who’s already busy to do it.” This seemed counter-intuitive or even ridiculous to me then. Today, while I can’t explain why it works, experience has, indeed, taught me that people who are already getting a lot done seem to be most able to do more.

In a recent study of college students, it was revealed that students who worked a part-time job up to 20 hours per week in addition to their coursework actually performed better and got higher grades than their fellow students who didn’t work at all. There is something about having a lot to do that forces us to both prioritize and focus.

A Foolproof Formula for Choosing a Better Life

6 ingredients for a better lifeWe’ve all heard the clichés about how being happy is as simple as choosing it. The truth is, being happy isn’t a choice – being happy and leading a wonderful life is the result of a multitude of choices. It’s hard to always know whether what we’re doing is a foolproof decision, but there are certain choices that we can make every day that will guarantee a better life.

As my favorite quote goes, “life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.” Only you can choose the attitude you’re going to have in life, and it will ultimately determine the course of your life.

How Being Assertive Will Make You Successful

The cliche of the 21st century is the word “success”. While this word didn’t assume wider usage in the present century, getting the attributes of it has eluded many sending the weak-hearted to their early grave. The promise of a nice estate, booming Business Empire, splash cars, great vacations, and bounded respect within one’s community and quality education for one’s protege are all promises of success. And it takes persons with guts to attain success of any kind.

The Top 7 Benefits of Writing Down Your Goals

Goal Setting is Key to Living an intentional lifeI have observed many people in my life and found that most people don’t write their goals down — and as a result accomplish very little in their life. Alternatively, I have met many people who have clearly written goals and accomplished much more than they could ever imagined they would.

Millions of people are wondering what to do and what not to do. Millions live purposelessly and die purposelessly. On the other hand there are many successful people who achieve greatness — largely because they take the time to set goals. And work towards the achievement of those goals until they are completed.

How Technology Frames the Best Version of Yourself

How to become your best selfOver the years, there’s been a lot of talk about finding your “best self.” It’s always spoken of as if the best you is out there somewhere, hiding in a different job or waiting around the corner for some life-changing experience.

But if you go through life searching here and there for your best self, you’re going to be disappointed. Let me let you in on a little secret: There isn’t any best self, and it’s certainly not out there waiting for you to find it. You’re you — right now, right where you’re sitting — and you already hold the perfection you seek. There’s no reason to go looking because you’re already here.

8 Nasty Motivation Killers and How to Avoid Them

8 Motivation KillersSometimes, success is less about what you do and more about what you don’t do. When it comes to breaking free of bad habits and motivation killers, it is often easier to begin by cutting bad habits before introducing good ones.

Are you struggling to get motivated? Having trouble reaching goals or crossing items off your to-do list? Maybe you need to kick one or more of these nasty motivation road-blocks to the curb.

7 Simple Ways to Stay Positive

7 Ways to Stay Positive“This too shall pass.”

Striving to stay positive, both in good times and bad, is a great way to improve your quality of life.

All it takes is a few simple adjustments and bit of effort to become a happier person.

Try following these seven methods on a daily basis:

1. Don’t Dwell on Negativity

Of course, staying positive 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a bit difficult. Letting things get to you is normal, and it’s actually healthy to cry or vent frustrations once in a while.

We Need to Learn to Say No

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m rubbish at saying no.

There I was, sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when a colleague telephoned and asked me to get involved in a new project she wants to get off the ground and I found myself getting all caught up in her enthusiasm and thinking “Sure, why the heck not?” and before the call had ended, I found myself agreeing to get involved, without giving any thought whatsoever to the implications.

Probably not my smartest move so far this week.

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