
Our motivational library includes thought leaders who teach on the topic of motivation, success, and achievement. If you are seeking tips and advice on how to stay motivated to succeed professionally or personally you will find it here.

10 Things You Should Stop Doing To Be Successful

Success compassAre you a happy person? How often do you think of reasons why everyone around you is successful though they are not better than you in general? What do you do wrong?

Success comes to those who wait, they say. As far as you understand, simple waiting is not enough to bring you luck, happiness and success. So, maybe it is high time to change your attitude to everything and everyone around, and stop doing those things that prevent you from becoming successful?

What are they actually?

How a Small, Consistent Effort Lets You Achieve Goals You Only Dreamed About

Journey of a thousand miles quote by Lao Tzu“The journey of a thousand miles begins and ends with one step.” – Lao Tzu

Have you ever given up on a goal because it seemed so far away?

Perhaps you’ve been on diet after diet – only to give up each time.

Maybe you’ve thought about studying part-time – but it’ll take you years to get the qualification you want.

Or perhaps you’ve started a huge long-term project, like writing a book – only to stop a few months later with little to show for your efforts.

Strive to Always Move Forward

Jim StovallIf you remember anything from your geometry class in school, it’s probably the fact that the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.

Moving forward along that straight line always represents the most efficient, productive, and profitable course of action, assuming that you have picked your destination point wisely.

Recently, I heard about the artwork in the design on an Australian coat-of-arms. There are two animals indigenous to Australia that appear on that coat-of-arms. They are the kangaroo and the emu. These two animals aren’t too much alike, but they do share one unique characteristic.

Be Fascinated at Work by Cultivating Curiosity

Jody Urquhart - motivational speakerMake your job and the people around you more interesting by cultivating your curiosity.

Many people have had the experience of thriving in their work up until the point that it starts to become repetitive, routine and boring. Slogging it out like this every day, work becomes more like a prison sentence then an exciting career. This is the exact time to build fascination for your job and the people you work with.

Many work most of their lives for an organization and know so little about it. Spend a full day being curious about your job, your co-workers, your industry, your organization, and your corporate culture. Seek out and question why things are the way they are?

20 Tips on How To Use Lucid Dreaming and Become More Successful in Real Life

Lucid dreaming is the ability to make up your own dreams. You can create yourself in your dreams, and motivate yourself to achieve personal goals, find new solutions for your problems or simply fulfill your desires. Bringing more awareness to your sleep gives you more restful sleep and increases your ability to remember facts.

Imagine how it feels to have the money to do what you want, when you want to. In your dream, you will be rich, confident and successful. The next morning you will still feel the confidence and power you had while dreaming. Before you know it, opportunities will come your way that will enable you to become the successful person you dream about.

Seeking Greener Pastures – Making Decisions Before Crossing The Other Side

Greener pastures. These words draw into mind the promise of something better that lies ahead. This brings the possibility of changing lives and fulfilling something that we’ve always dreamed of. But come to think of it, is it always greener on the other side? Will getting over the other side of life make us happy and fulfilled?

Personally, I have learned that it’s okay to aim for something better, to go forward and pursue the “greener pastures”. But this should be done considering the situation and analyzing the consequences as well. In life, I’ve made rash decisions, in the hopes that things will turn out for the best. More often than not, these snap decisions led to consequences that I have to put up with.

5 Ways To Beat Procrastination and Reclaim Your Focus

James Frankton motivational expertProcrastination is something that has affected all of us at some stage. Whether you find yourself failing to turn essays in on time, or putting off going for a run (that marathon ain’t gonna run itself, by the way!) the negative effects of procrastination are numerous.

The good news is that you can beat it, and reclaim your focus and motivation in the process. In this article you are going to learn five effective methods to stop procrastination in its tracks. Keep reading to discover just how to reclaim your focus … and get your groove back!

Learn to Smile During Times of Adveristy

Ryan C. Lowe - motivational speaker and authorIn one of the chapters in Get off Your Attitude, I talk about how to deal with the obstacles and challenges that we all face in life. I also share ideas and principles on how to deal with adversity in a positive manner. In this article I will do the same, suggesting how you can deal with negativity and remain 100 percent in charge of your happiness.

Most people deal with adversity and circumstances in a negative manner. It’s the way we are programmed. We want to lash out every time something bad happens to us. But that is not the way to handle life, at least not a happy, joyful life.

5 Characteristics of the World’s Most Successful People

5 Characteristics of Successful PeopleWe see them everywhere — starring in TV commercials, delivering TED Talks, and smiling on magazine racks.

Great leaders are often synonymous with tremendous wealth and prestige. Yet, remarkably enough, most weren’t born into affluence. Many faced seemingly insurmountable odds and earned their red carpet time and exclusive interviews through hard work, intelligence, and tenacity.

The way I see it, there are five qualities that every successful leader embodies. Some of my biggest inspirations share all five traits, achieving unprecedented success in their fields. These characteristics aren’t magical or inaccessible. They’re qualities you can work on and apply to your own leadership style.

Is This Glass Half-Empty, Half-Full, Or Is It Full? Test Your Success Mindset!

Glass is half full - Positive thinkingSo… you think you have a success-mindset.

You always look for the positive.

You count your blessings at the end of each day.

You never see the glass as half-empty, it’s always half-full.

So why are you not getting the results you want? Why isn’t your ideal future here yet? What’s missing in this picture?

I am going to answer that, but first let me tell you a short story I heard recently about…a car salesman. Yep, a car salesman. From Detroit, I believe.

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