The Desperation Solution by Jim Stovall

You have probably heard it said that necessity is the mother of invention. If necessity is its mother, desperation must certainly have been its father.  Creative people often come up with breakthrough solutions only when they’re forced to.

Professors from the University of Chicago and Harvard determined that there is direct correlation between when unemployment runs out and when people get a job.  While desperation may be a great motivator, it’s not always the most productive way to perform with excellence.  I believe there is a win/win solution here as you and I — as mature, functioning people, can set our own deadlines.

Success Tips: Adversity Gives You Strength By John Boe

John Boe - motivational keynote speakerHow can you stay self-motivated and productive in the midst of turbulent times and a sluggish economy?

How do you persevere as a salesperson when times are tough and customers seem to be holding on to every penny in fear of economic uncertainty?

Every challenge, setback and personal difficulty you encounter in life also brings with it the seed of equivalent or greater benefit!

The key to overcoming adversity is to avoid the temptation of panic and instead, focus on finding the greater benefit. Adversity will never leave you where it found you; it will either strengthen your character or weaken your resolve.

A Philosophy To Live By – By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar motivational speakerWisdom goes back a long way and comes in the form of examples, illustrations, stories, cliches, parables, etc. One of the oldest bits of philosophy says that “for want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost, for want of a horse a rider was lost, for want of a rider a leader was lost, for want of a leader a battle was lost, for want of a victory a war was lost, for want of a plan a nation was lost.”

Pure Positivity by Jim Stovall

Believe That Your Best is Good Enough

All of us worry about having positive outcomes in our personal and professional lives. This worry stems from many sources, chief among them being the doubt surrounding our best efforts being good enough. All of us suffer from daydreams or nightmares of striving mightily and falling just short of the prize.

Learn from John Wooden’s Wisdom

My late, great friend and mentor, John Wooden, was fond of saying, “Assume that your best is good enough.” Coach Wooden was far from an overoptimistic Pollyanna-filled dreamer. He was a realistic, down-to-earth man who achieved the highest goals imaginable by putting the right people in the right places and expecting them to perform at their best.

The Power of Relationships: Small Beginnings to Success

In business, everyone wants to “bag the elephant,” “hit a homerun,” or “land a whale.”  While these are lofty goals and pursuits, most big deals started out as small deals that turned into a relationship.

The Power of Small Beginnings

This last week, I was in an elite meeting of investors, and we were hearing a message from one of the world’s top money managers.  Being a former investment broker myself, I couldn’t help but think how much I would have wanted to have had a clientele like the group of people that was gathered in that room. In reality, most of those very large investors and their multimillion dollar accounts didn’t start out that way.  They started out as modest investors that grew over the years.

Fail Your Way To The Top By John Assaraf

Have you had a challenging day or week? Feel a little tired or discouraged with a current situation? Ready to throw in the towel and quit something?

Don’t worry. It’s very normal to go through times of feeling that something in life stinks and all there is to see and feel is the current mess.

Here is something neat to ponder during those times, though. When doing battle with discouraged feelings, take a look at this report and reflect on this man’s record of failure. It is a testament to how humans can learn and grow and win despite the losses and defeats.

Self Belief is the First Step to Greatness By Kieran Revell

“Success is not governed by colour, creed, age or orientation:  Success does not discriminate nor does it know boundaries. It does however depend upon dreams, persistence and self-belief. The moment you lose confidence in yourself, failure will follow”

Each of us, irrespective of means or circumstance, strives for some aspect of greatness in our lives. Each of us is a genius in some aspect of our existence. There are things I can do brilliantly, which others cannot. Similarly, there are things which others can do that I can’t. These are the things which drive us to greatness and empower all aspects of our world.

Making Room For Success! By Lisa Jimenez

Lisa Jimenez - motivation and success expertSuccess is more about letting go, releasing and creating space than it is about adding to,learning more and gaining.

So, what do you choose to let go of today?

The more I work with my coaching clients the more I realize the power in this simple truth…

Success Needs Space…

Too often we fill our life with “too much” stuff and there’s no room for success to come in;

Things like:

Effort vs. Apathy by Jim Stovall

Why Mistakes Are Not Failure

In business and in life, we should celebrate our victories and learn from our mistakes.  Mistakes are never failure unless we quit.

Mistakes can be the fertilizer for future success, and the experience can create building blocks for greatness.  All mistakes are not created equal.  There are mistakes that involve effort and then there are mistakes that involve apathy.

What Effort Means for Success

Effort is the one element that has to exist in all success formulas.  Nothing worthwhile ever happens without our own best efforts. Sometimes, these efforts involve us making an error or mistake.

The Procrastination Predicament By Jim Stovall

Success is often a matter of doing the important things long before they become urgent.

Recently, I read about a college professor who was teaching a basic course to three separate classes. In this particular course, the total grade was determined by one final paper to be turned in at the end of the semester.

In one class, he told the students they could turn in their final paper any day up to and including the final day of the semester. In the second class, he gave them milestones every few weeks throughout the semester that the students had to adhere to. And in the third class, he let the students set their own deadlines or milestones.

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