Money By TB Wright

Money isn’t what most people think it is, and that’s why they don’t have more of it. The one thing you have to shift in your thinking about money is the thought that it’s static, because it’s not. Money is not like rocks, yet most people treat it that way. Money flows and money grows, and if you think any other way about it, then money goes.

Flying Into Headwinds By Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy - motivational speaker and authorWhen you set off toward a new destination or goal, like taking off in an airplane, you will have an idea of both your departure time and your arrival time. You will set a schedule for yourself and expect to arrive pretty much on schedule. But as soon as you take off, you will experience what pilots call “unexpected headwinds.”

The situation in your life is similar. As soon as you embark on a new journey, you will experience headwinds as well: everything will cost twice as much and take three times longer than you anticipated. You should estimate how long you will take to achieve certain milestones and then triple that time to get the actual time period required.

The Laws of Adversity By Joe Tye

Joe Tye - motivational speaker and authorBad things happen to good people. It’s not fair, but it’s true. Other than the fact that it was beautifully written, I think the reason Harold Kushner’s book struck such a chord (and was such a huge international bestseller) is that we can all relate to the title.

We’ve all seen it happen – to ourselves or to others (or all of the above). If life is a journey, then we all at some point pass through the valley of the shadow of death.

The Audacity of Apollo by Jim Stovall

The Moon Landing as a Source of Inspiration

Sometimes, we have to peer into the dim recesses of the past to visualize how bright the future can be.

Most of us remember watching Neal Armstrong, live or on videotape, as he stepped onto the surface of the moon. We remember that grainy, shadowy, black and white image as he assured us that it was one small step for man but a giant leap for mankind.

I’m on a Passion Quest By Marcia Wieder

Marcia Wieder - motivational dream coachYou can create a Passion Quest to find your purpose, create new dreams and gain greater clarity. You don’t even have to put your whole life on hold.

You can take a day, weekend, week or year… the purpose is to find, discover or reconnect to what you love… and then to follow it.

Let life lead you to and through the unknown where amazing gifts and insights often await. Connecting with yourself on a deeper level will help you achieve your dreams so in order to do this; you might choose to go on a Passion Quest.

Purpose Gives Your Life Meaning By Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia - success conditioning expertLook at any person, past or present, who achieved truly great things. People you know. Behind their accomplishments you will undoubtedly find a passion and love for what they do.

That deep emotion can only be aroused by a compelling purpose…

…an idea about what their life is to stand for.

So few people ever take even a few minutes and think about their purpose. Hardly anyone ever asks himself or herself, “What am I here for?” I never asked myself that question until October 1996.

Making Long-Term Suffering a Short-Term Problem Using The Upside of FEAR By Weldon Long

Weldon Long - author and speakerHaving spent 20 years living a life of poverty and desperation, including 13 years in federal and state prisons, and now living a life of nearly incomprehensible prosperity, I have learned that long-term suffering is a choice — our mindset will determine whether our suffering remains a temporary or permanent condition.

Now before complete apoplexy sets in and you begin shouting at your computer about all the people who have innocently suffered at the hands of others, let me explain the kind of suffering to which I refer.

Be an Embodiment of the Person You’d Like to Be By Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen - motivational speaker and authorBeing starts with simply being that which you would like to become. Once you mediate and hold the belief within yourself that you are what you would like to be, you start becoming that very thing, from the inside out!

Embodying what you would like to become transforms you. You already hold the traits within you that you would like to become.

In fact, it wouldn’t be possible to envision this new “person” you would like to be if you weren’t actually able to achieve that very vision. Allow yourself to feel it. And allow yourself to believe it.

Value Your Time And Your Value Will Rise By Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia - success conditioning expertIt just drives me crazy to see people that are supposed to be busy doing something, but they’re hiding out. Yeah, I’m like a former smoker who can’t stand the smell anymore.

What I mean is I was the biggest procrastinator you’ve ever met, in my early years. I’d spend an hour trying to get out of half an hour’s work. What a circus. My parents, teachers and employers weren’t very amused. TV was big in my life.

What a shame. What an incredible limiter of life.

Never say “Never” – it will become the longest void in your life By Kieran Revell

Have you ever faced that obstacle and immediately thought, “There’s no way I’ll ever finish this”  What about the days when you’ve stood at the starting line for that foot race and thought, “There’s no way I can beat these guys”: Perhaps you’ve had a great idea and immediately thought, “I’m never going to have the money to do this”

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