Divine Timing
By Diane Pauley

It doesn't matter what you want, you can have it. A new car, a home in the country, a slim trim and healthy body… it can all be yours for the asking. The only thing is that you don't get control over when you get it. That's up to the Universe.

Let's assume you've diligently written down your requests. You've seen them in your life and then you detached, but you don't get everything immediately.

So why don't you get everything you asked for NOW! You want it yesterday, right? What is the hold up!

The hold up is you're probably not ready.

I'd like to share a very personal story about this process. I have been challenged with weight problems since our last child was born, about twenty-two years ago. When we began to write the book, “I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am.” we were in a good weight loss cycle.

Tom even mentions that we were lighter and healthier than ever. But as so many other times in my life, I was not able to sustain that “program” and over the next five years I lost and gained close to one hundred pounds.

I felt like I was asking for this to happen in my life the right way. “I'm slim and trim and healthy. I am I am I am” is a song I sang regularly. I was following all the “rules” of enthusiasm and detachment and still the permanent weight loss alluded me.

I never quit desiring this change in my life, but no matter what I did or how hard I tried, no weight loss plan worked for very long. I was embarrassed and frustrated. We were supposed to be examples of success and I felt more like a failure. Like I was doing something wrong.

Several years ago I finally let this feeling go and decided I would be happy with who I am. I remember the day, vividly. It was my first day home after emergency surgery, September 11, 2001.

Two wake up calls were enough for me. I was happy to be alive and I let go.

Of course, once I detached the Universe could go to work. Divine Timing must have kicked in.

One morning about six months later I awoke and instinctively knew that this time would be different. The energy for true and lasting weight loss was finally there. Over the course of a few weeks my support system was built. I met the people I was meant to meet and I found a system for me. The Universe provided everything that I needed to succeed.

The system is, pardon the expression, a cake walk. I have more energy than ever before. I approach exercise as a joy for the very first time in my memory and everyone is seeing “less of me” when we meet.

Much less of me.

The message that I want you to take from my example is this -- Never give up on your desire, but do give up planning for it to happen on your schedule. Detach and let Diving Timing take over.

We know that we have to grow and change and become the person that can handle the desires we seek. Trust the Universe to know the correct time for that to happen.

Live your dreams every day.

Diane Pauley

P.S. If you like what you're reading in this newsletter, you'll love our book, “I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am.” One reader called it, “Napoleon Hill Meets Deepak Chopra.” It is at once the story of our family's rise from a second personal bankruptcy to a rich and happy life practically overnight and the step-by-step system we used to get there.
Tom and Penelope Pauley have stumbled on a quantum leap forward that shows how any person who can make a grocery list can achieve overnight prosperity. Learn more about their book 'I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams: How to Get Everything You Want in Life' -- their book will teach you the secrets to attracting money.

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